When everything with the van was over with, Cassandra sighed softly. She looked about, and went over to the lake. Her aunt had taught her how to fish, and it was something she enjoyed. Plus, she liked fresh food. Canned food was all well and good, but fresh fish? Nothing beat that. And it seemed like she would just be getting in the way of everyone, as it seemed like there was some pairing up going on. She found a fishing rod, grabbed her pocket knife and speared a worm on the hook with practiced ease, and flung it out with ease, bringing the rod over her head, and then zipping it fast forward, the line reeling out and falling in the lake. It wasn't long until the line gave a jerk, and she smiled, reeling the fish in. She grinned, taking out her pocket knife, she thumped the fish over the head, putting it down, away from the lack. She continued to fish until she had enough fish to at least give them all a decent size. She crouched, and began to gut and skin the fish, taking them over to the fire and Scout. "I suck at cooking, so looks like its your job!" She said, holding the fish out. Scout seemed to be in his own world half the time, and Cassandra figured, given his behaviour at times, that he was worried about what he said or did. She smiled at him, and sitting beside him, and she said softly, "Sometimes it sucks to be shy, right? I envy Kaden-he'll simply put himself out there without any thought or worry. I never know what to say or do to people I like, more than a friend. Like, Hi, I like you, want to go out? How awkward is that? What if they say no? I could never face them again" She laughed at herself, and using some of the sticks for the fire, she speared the fish on them, ready to cook. she used some water from her water body to clean the pocket knife, and dried it on her shirt, then set it aside, nearby. "I suppose camping like this, its inevitable that there would be some, ah, romance between people. But sometimes, i think its easier to just...not risk it" She shrugged, holding one of the speared fish, seeming to ponder it for a moment, "How do you cook this? Just hold it over the fire?"