[center][h3]:::::::::::::::::::::: [i]::: Deia Ticy :::[/i] ::::::::::::::::::::::[/h3][/center] Deia looked quizzically at Nina. Her orders made absolutely no sense to the small girl; back then, her masters would become displeased if she talked too much, and she made it a point to communicate with them only as necessary, and even then they preferred to do so by talking with their heads. Also, her previous masters always urged her to use her powers as much as possible. That Nina wanted her to use them [i]less[/i] sounded incredibly strange to Deia. Still, orders where orders, and she would abide by them; besides, Master Nina was being very nice to her. She would obey her every command. Deia opened her mouth to speak, however no words came out. Deia pursed her lips and for a moment looked troubled, before trying again. ". . . Yeshg . . . Neeee-naaa . . ." she said, her voice sounding awfully course and raspy. Deia hadn't spoken in such a long time, she had actually momentarily forgotten how to, and even more than that, her throat atrophied due to lack of use, leading to the current terrible state of her voice. "Whaahduh-everr yoo wahnt fromuh meer."