[H1]Ukatan City Construction Site[/h1] Hao's soaring fist struck past Akane's head, wind pressure from the blow agitating her hair. An unusual slip for Hao who had been an executor for over a decade, and had routinely struggled against dead apostles who were vastly superior to humans, capable of dodging bullet fire and crushing steel like paper. To make mistakes was human, and Hao simply accepted this as a minor inconvenience. The weight and slightly constrictive nature of the durable armor might have dulled Hao's perception, or perhaps fate was with this foolish girl. Hao observed as she instinctively jumped down, and in almost concurrent time, Hao crouched and put power behind his legs to perform a rapid dash to grasp Akane to land a sure death blow. Unfortunately, she had launched a jewel towards Hao, and Hao was forced to assume a defensive posture, crossing his arms over his head and slouching his posture to protect his abdominal vitals. This was probably unnecessary as this armor would easily repel force from most spells of modern magi, but a jewel that had stored several years worth of energy would still cause impact to damage Hao from within the armor. Hao's precaution was proven unrewarded when the jewel created a weak explosion that Hao withstood by digging his feet into the tin roof. In the exact moment that Hao regained his balance, he immediately propelled his body off the tin roof, using his defensively slouched position to center his balance and push power into his legs. The girl obviously possessed a minimum, if any, combat experience. What could she expect a smokescreen to do in this situation? She had already revealed that she simply jumped down and would run forward, so a smokescreen would fail to conceal her telegraphed movements. Hao's supernaturally refined senses and movements also tracked down Akane through her agitated and heavy footsteps, and most of all, her panicked call to her Lancer class servant. Hao would have to decide whether to continue pursue his target or withdraw. He would be no match for this skilled Lancer, and this girl would likely succumb to other masters in due time. The only reason Hao attempted to assassinate this girl was to eliminate her Lancer class servant, and indeed this could be accomplished but at an incredibly heavy price that Hao was not prepared to pay yet. Such costs were best left for the beast like servant. Hao promptly decided that he would withdraw and observe the battle, but not before leaving one parting gift. Reaching into a crevice in his armor at his left arm's joint which had no armor for less restrictive movement, Hao pulled put three black keys that had been wedged between the armor and his flesh. The three keys were placed between Hao's right hands fingers, and three rapier like blades around a meter long emerged from their tips. With fluid movements, Hao stepped forward and centered his weight on his forward right foot, using it as a pivot to swivel his body. Hao used his gained momentum to throw the three keys at extraordinary speeds and force easily capable of smashing through concrete. The movement was performed within .8 seconds, almost three times the regular amount required without armor for regular executors, but still satisfactory to Hao. His vision was still impeded, so he utilized his senses to form a mental image of Akane running, and had aimed at her spinal chord, skull and heart.