[center][h2][color=orange]-Anastasia Tepes-[/color][/h2][/center] After the introductions were over it seemed like the group was slowly diverging from eachother. Graham, as the small boy was called, siad something to Kitty and ran off, leaving Kitty confused for a moment. She tried to follow him and both got lost into the crowd. The asian boy hasnt said anything yet and Alexis... Well she seemed abit hostile. Was it something she said that had made Alexis hostile? Before she could think more about the matter her train of thought was interupted by the Vice-Principal. It was the announcement of the roommates. Anastasia really hoped that she would get a kind roommate, someone who wouldnt judge her for some of her weird quirks and who would not abuse her trust. The names were mentioned, one by one. Then it came; [b]"Anastasia Tepes"[/b], the VP looked over to Anastasia, [b]"You will be rooming with Olivia Delacroix. She's a second year so she will do her best to make you feel comfortable."[/b] Anastasia almost leapt in the air out of joy. She was roomed with Olivia! That was great news! Olivia was possibly one of the kindest people here. She was also the first person to talk to Anastasia. Considering the odds, she could have been off much worse then being roomed with the person who was supposed to keep her under surveilance. Speaking about that, she still had to inform Olivia about Dorian's assignment. Then she realised something. What if Olivia didnt want to look after her? Well, it's not like she could disobey Dorian...But still, she didnt want to become a burden to someone, especially not to someone so nice as Olivia. I better go looking for her and tell her about the task Dorian gave her... Please dont let her mind. Before all of the other roommate couples were announced Anastasia went off to look for Olivia. After only a few seconds she already found Olivia. Her height certainly helped with finding Olivia but it was more down to Anastasia's heigtened senses that she found her so quickly. Anastasia walked up to Olivia, being carefull to not accidentily bump into any other person. [color=orange]"Hey Olivia,"[/color] she said with a smile, [color=orange]"it seems that we are going to be roomies, I hope you dont mind."[/color] And even if she did, it's not like there was any choice in the matter, was there? [color=orange]"I, euhm, have been looking for you. Mister Lost wanted you to be my, euhm, supervisor."[/color] She said with a hint of shame and embaresment in her voice. [color=orange]"Apparently he doesnt trust my ability to control myself."[/color] She looked down at her feet in embaresment. [color=orange]"So now he wants you to babysit me. I'm terribly sorry for that, I dont want to be a bother to you."[/color] She looked back at Olivia again with a badly forced smile, barely hiding her embaresment. [color=orange]"But dont worry, I can control myself and I wont cause you any trouble! Infact, if anyone is causing you some trouble then I'd happily help you with it!"[/color] Just as Anastasia finished there seemed to be some commotion back where the original group stood. The Asian boy had fainted and now Dorian was rushing him to the infirmary. Anastasia hoped he was okay, he seemed nice, if somewhat quiet. This seemed to be the start of the chaos however, as now all the roommate groups were rushing to get the best rooms. Anastasia turned to Olivia. [color=orange]"It seems we have to hurry if we want to find a good room."[/color] She was hoping Olivia had atleast a vague knowledge of which rooms were the best and thus knew how to quickly claim them. But there were probably alot of other students who also wanted these rooms... The madness had begun.