[colour=khaki][h3]JSDF compound Louise [/h3][/colour] [@Flamelord] Louise planted her hands on her hips and grinned broadly as Archer showed off the fruits of his labour in the form of two different weapons, both of which sat naturally in his hands as if they had been hand-crafted specifically for him. Which in a way she supposed that they were. Again she had theories as to how his ability was actually realized in reality but restrained herself. Instead she gingerly reached out toward the gun in his right hand and touched it carefully. She felt nothing particularly powerful or mysterious about the weapon, however she was content to acknowledge that such things fell well outside of her field of expertise. If Archer was happy then she was happy. She looked back up into Archer's eyes and smiled roguishly. [colour=gold]“Exceptional work, Archer. They quite literally never saw you coming,”[/colour] Louise said in an amused tone, nodding with obvious satisfaction. It was nice when things went exactly as she planned. She turned away from Archer and looked out over the sparse emptiness that lay between them and home, humming in thought for a moment. [colour=gold]“I think that it’s time that we did a little…research, into our opponents. We need information, habits, tactics, favoured weaponry. Hell, their true names and noble phantasm if we can get a hold of them. The more we know the better our chances become. So lets go see what we can find out.”[/colour] As Louise spoke she ran her hand along the engravings of the broom causing them to illuminate weakly for just a brief moment before she tossed the broom up into the air. She watched as it fell, fast at first, then increasingly slowly until it seemed to stop falling altogether. She mounted the broomstick and pulled the goggles down over her eyes. [colour=gold]“Race you!”[/colour] she called out in the way that all cheaters did, after she was already moving.