Name: Dante Louise Virmire Age: 17 Power: Osmosis. She can absorb energy and properties of matter that she is in physical contact with. Appearance: [img][/img] Bio: Dante has lived on the streets fending for herself since she was ten. Her parents died in a fire when she was very young and no one else would take her in because of the... difficulties of dealing with her. Fires would start around her, even though there was nothing for her to start them with. Older children would complain that she hurt them, they would be covered in huge bruises and scratches, but she never had any kind of weapon on her. Eventually she was told that she was a freak and that everyone would be better off without her. So, she left and made a home for herself on the streets. As the years went by she taught herself how to use her abilities, as much as she could. She found that she could suck electricity from sockets, but she always had to expel it or she would get a searing pain all over her body. She could make her body turn into the same materials of whatever she was touching. (i.e. If she was grabbing a steel pipe her body would turn into steel.) But after a while (a few hours) she would always turn back into herself. she couldn't turn herself more than twice in one day, she would get horrible full body aches if she did. Eventually she ended up in illegal bare knuckle brawls, fighting for money. She would use her advantage of power to subtly swing the matches in her favor.(Concrete knuckles can go a long way in a fight) It wasn't long before she was being set up with bigger and bigger matches, she got quite a bit of money, and a fairly large reputation. Then she got arrested...