[colour=blueviolet][h3][centre]Aspen Archer[/centre][/h3][/colour] "Now." Nina started grabbing Aspen's attention. "It's time to get down to business. I will be picking your roommates for this school year. Some of you will be rooming with one other person, while others will be rooming in threes. Now, first the girls. So Alexis Sinclair, you will be rooming with Kitty Lee, as I see you two have been getting on pretty well, as well as Aspen Archer." Aspen internally sighed in relief, Kitty was going to be her roommate. Aspen was happy with Alexis to be her roommate she seemed nice yet complicated, she had yet to figure her out. "Anastasia Tepes, You will be rooming with Olivia Delacroix. She's a second year so she will do her best to make you feel comfortable." Aspen had no collected enough information about these two to make a judgement on them but so far they seemed pretty...normal, if she could use that word here. All the girls had been placed in rooms except her, the girl in the wheelchair. Frankly, that was what worried her the most, she was scared they would be put together because of their...situation. Aspen looked away in time to see Cheol faint, after what they'd been through today she wasn't surprised, someone was bound to. Just then a being teleported infront of her, for a split second she thought it was her grandfather but the figure was a lot smaller. It could only be Kitty.[color=f49ac2]"We're rooming together! Isn't this great? Wait, wait, let's go find the best room!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"For the love of- Kitty, warn me when you're gonna come from nowhere or something. But yeah. Roommates. Fun."[/color] The sarcastic tone was lost on Aspen [color=f49ac2]“I know, right? It’s going to be so great! I mean--- video game marathons, Alexis! Video. Game. Marathons. Graham’s gonna be so jealous~!”[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Okie dokie. It’s gonna be a bloodbath in a few seconds when everyone rushes to get a good room. But lucky for you twoooo… you happen to be rooming with a teleporter!”[/color]. Aspen watched curiously as Kitty took her and Alexis' hands in her own. [color=f49ac2]“Three second warning, then we’re teleporting! Three… two… one!”[/color] [color=blueviolet]"Wait,what?!"[/color] Aspen got in before they were teleported. Aspen opened her eyes and saw the three of them were alone in a room. She rubbed her forehead, teleporting always gave her a migraine. She looked around the room, it was nice, three beds and the view from the window was quite nice. [color=blueviolet]Uh..thanks for the room, Kitty,"[/color] she said walking to the door, she wanted to see exactly where their room was. [color=lightblue][h3][centre]Dr. Isaac Archer[/centre][/h3][/color] Once the studets made their way inside Isaac thought it would be best to make his way over to the cafeteria. After all it would be where all the students would be coming to next after going to their new rooms. Frowning in concentration he teleported himself inside the cafeteria and sat at the seat closest to him. It was quiet, empty and for now, clean. Isaac drummed his fingers on the table in boredom, he wondered what they were doing right now and focused on the thoughts of the students nearby to see if he could pinpoint what was going on. He hoped he wouldn't hear anything he shouldn't. [i]You will not escape[/i]. Isaac was taken aback by this thought, who was the student and who were they referring to. He focused again this time on other thoughts and heard the mental approvals and disapprovals of roommate assignment, which made him chuckle but the first thought still lingered in his mind.