[center] [color=662d91]~Abigail Blanchett~[/color] By now, she had put a few yards of distance between herself and the rest of the group. She had no more desire to socialize with any of them, and if at all possible, once they got to Cherrygrove she'd probably head off by herself without them. Damn the laws. She could take care of herself, she always had. She always had to, and that wasn't gonna change now. [color=f49ac2]“Abigail…they’re all idiots. You know that, right? Your suggestion was just as good as theirs, and they had no right to act the way they did. But, uh… I’ll always be your friend. And I’m always on your side. Okay?”[/color] Just one little pink-haired problem. [color=662d91]"Friend? Don't make me laugh." [/color]Abigail snapped. [color=662d91]"I don't know why you're being so friendly Melody, but I'm not an idiot. I'm not really a nice person, I get that, and I really don't care. Those morons can all get eaten by a wild mightyena for all I care."[/color] She stopped, turning around the face the other girl. [color=662d91]"So. Why are you really being nice to me, hmm? Not like we're friends, We've known each other for barely even a half of a day."[/color] She sighed, taking her purse and setting it on the ground, arceus, she was tired for some reason. [color=662d91]"So why, don't you, leave me alone."[/color] She said to Melody. [color=fff200]"How about we make camp soon guys? I don’t know about you guys, but a bit of rest sounds amazing”.[/color] Thankfully, she wasn't the only one who said camp would be a good idea. She could use the sleep....hell, she might wake up early enough tomorrow and head to Blackthorn by herself. Tyrian and her new spinarak would definitely be up to the task, she was sure. [color=0054a6]"I'm sorry for my comment about your hair earlier, it was uncalled for. And I think you realise that what you said to Peggy was uncalled for aswell so please, for the sake of the group, would you want to appologise about earlier to her? Maybe she would then appologise to you aswell."[/color] Annnd just as she finally drowned out the rest of the groups nonsense, one of the idiots decided to walk up. The one who made a comment about her hair. What was his name? Alexander. Right. He was apologizing, and he wanted her to apologize?! Pfffft. The thought made her laugh again. These idiots... [color=662d91]"Like I'm apologizing to her." [/color]She said to Alexander. [color=662d91]"And she doesn't need to apologize either."[/color] She continued with a huff. [color=662d91]"I mean't every word I said. If that daddy's girl doesn't toughen up, she's gonna get hurt. So no, I'm not apologizing. I said it, and I meant it. Honestly, I think her slapping me was a good start."[/color] She smugly replied, like she had helped Peggy in some way. [color=662d91]"Now why, don't you all leave me alone, hm? I have no desire to talk with you idiots any more. Ah...just one thing. I think making camp would be a good idea. We can decide where we're going tomorrow morning."[/color] With that, she said nothing more to Alexander, Melody, or the rest of the group and went about setting up her own little campsite. [/center]