[quote]Snipped quote by [@Ogobrogo] [color=orange] “SCORPIOS, TO ME! TO ME, SCORPIOS!”[/color] The boy shouted, probably ripping his vocal cords to oblivion. They say that if one listens closely, they can still hear his call bouncing off the hills to this very day. [color=orange]“¡Ándale, boyo!”[/color] [/quote] [quote]Snipped quote by [@TheHangedMan] She had yet to receive any commands from Master Nina, or at least commands that she could understand, so she simply sat still and watched the big cat-thing look up at her with expressionless eyes.[/quote] Scorpio huffed when she didn't answer and shifted back into his human form. He looked at Graham and raised an eyebrow. [color=gold]“Graham, my friend,”[/color] He grinned. [color=gold]“You are one strange character."[/color] He meandered over to him and casually leaned him, resting his elbow on his shoulder. They were nearly the same height.