[color=ed1c24][h3]Jackson Grey[/h3][/color] Jackson was kind of disappointed. Fights in general were entertaining to watch, especially cat fights. Although in retrospect this whole thing was kind of messed up. Why couldn't people just get along? Being rude just lead to problems, gaurenteed. Jack sighed and put away his instrument. Tiger nudged him and Fang seemed like he was trying to tell him something. Was something wrong? Was there some sort of threat? Jackson dismissed that idea to switch his attention to his group. Alex seemed to be agitated, that guy had no chill. At least his was trying to calm the feud between most of the group. When he asked Jackson why he thought playing a song was appropriate Jack raised an eyebrow. "It's just a song and Abagail seems to have taken zero offense." Them Riley piped in about making camp. "I like that idea, me and my guys are pretty tired. We should stop soon." The earth underneath Jackson's shoes shook, what the hell? Earthquakes don't just happen, what had caused that shockwave? Tiger nipped Jack in finger. Something was definitely wrong. Melody then squeaked out, "um guys, we have a problem." Upon seeing the threat, Jackson jumped into action. What were rock-types' weaknesses? Water and grass right? Perfect. "Fang, you're up!" The little blue croc jumped off of his trainer's head to face his opponent. "Right, use water gun!" The Totodile followed Jack's command and shot a dozen or so spheres of water from his mouth. The Onix didn't seem to be very agile, and the move connected. It caused it to back up, and it probably did some sort of damage, but it wasn't stopping. "I don't think we can beat it guys... Even water type moves aren't doing much..." The Onix whipped its tail at Fang, who was distracting it from attacking Melody. "Melody get out if there!" He shouted. Meanwhile Fang was flung into the air from the force of the Onix's tail hitting the ground.