[Color=Gold][h2]Atallia Faeron[/h2][/color] Well this was... shit. It seemed that the Drakken that had claimed her was being riled up by the Princess. The same Princess that told them that they were all sisters. [i]Sisters don't poke an injured dog so it'll turn and snap their so-called sisters.[/i] More than likely, the shy girl that she had defended would become the centre of her anger. Either that or the bastard that claimed her would want a bit of a challenge and take her on. It was then that she realised that she could never allow the fire inside her to be dampened. The moment that happened, he became a danger to the weaker ones and it was the duty of the strong to protect the weak. Maybe the weaker one would get off lightly and just fall pregnant? Drakkens were naught but mongrels but mongrels still have a desire to see their offspring do well. Shifting on her feet, Talli was about to make a snide comment before the gaze of another Drakken caught hers. Glancing back to Lugft, she noted that he had also noticed this and laid a gentle hand on Aery's arm, protectively dragging her back a step or two as she felt the heat rising between the two men. It seemed her analogy earlier was somewhat correct - they were like hounds tearing at each other's throats to get the bitch. The fight itself was short, bloody, and one of the most brutal things Talli had every witnessed. Coming from a clan of Fire Gems, she had witnessed death before in the form of fathers being cut down that tried to protect their daughters. This... this was different. They killed those men back in her village because they deposed the Drakken rule but Lugft seemed to find pleasure in killing this man. The fact that he had challenged him was irrelevant - Lugft killed simply to relieve his stress. That didn't mean anything good for her or her sisters. She remained static, unchanging, her eyes betraying nothing except for the fire within her. [color=Gold][i]One less Drakken dog.[/i][/color] This was a war and like it or not, it was either her life or theirs. When he asked for their names, she took note of the other girl he claimed. The weaker one, who introduced herself as Aery, could be protected from his fits of rage if this other wife had a proper way with words. When it came to Talli's turn to say her name, she raised her chin and allowed her eyes to fall away from the back wall and find conflict with his eyes. [Color=gold]"It is considered poor manners to not introduce yourself if you expect another to give you their own name, Lord...?"[/color] Her eyebrow arched and despite the sheer difference in him, she found an exhilaration in not following the trend he wanted her to follow. Talli's choice not to refer to him as 'my Lord' would possibly also be noticed but she had already burned enough bridges for that to mean nothing [@my Lalia] [@agentmanatee] [@RomanAria]