Fal looked over the balcony at the smog smeared district below. Though obscured by the black smoke of the furnaces, the district was avid with life: the clank of machinery, the squabbles of tradesmen and gypsies debating over prices, the horn blast of a coal boat slowly crawling its way upon of the wide canals that cut the districts apart, making islands of them. In the far, far distance he could make out the shining spire of The Rapier: The Lord of Swords stronghold, looming above the rest of the city; its pinnacle the watchful eye of this lands God. Or so the Lord thought. With a sigh, Fal turned from his view back to his office inside the East Watch Barrack, where his guest was waiting. “Roman, what did I tell you about talking to the other guardsmen?”, asked Fal in a stern voice. “Captain, I meant no harm, only I needed to get hold of you as soon as I could.”, stuttered Roman, his face red from anxiety, yet fear was absent in his eyes. “Fortunately for you and I, you spoke to someone who was already in on the game. If you had been less lucky, I think we may have found both of our heads on spikes.” Roman gulped. “Well, I’m here now, and I know who I must and mustn’t talk to.” “What news do you bring?” “They asked me to send for you.” “Ah, our patrons in your pub, I presume?” “Yes, Captain.” Fal stepped to his desk and began to decant whiskey into a crystal glass. Having lit a cigarette, he turned with a grey exhalation, “I have given them what they want, Roman; I’ve given them the blind eye they wanted. My part is played, what more could they want from me?” “Sir, you see...”, Roman puffed his chest forward: a mixture of pride and a brace against the reaction to the news he brought.”They’re planning to take North Watch.” Fal’s reaction was one of shock, only traceable through his rough exterior by his paralyzed contemplation of what he had just heard. “You can’t be serious? Their funding is triple ours, the Lords fist a thousand fold tighter, have they gone completely mad?” “No, sir.”, spoke Roman. “This does not explain why they need me, Roman.” “Trust me, Captain”, replied Roman, stepping forward to look over the balcony as Fal had done. “They need you.”