[h1]Collab: Kelvin and Separ[/h1] [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Hold up!"[/color][/b] Kelvin raised his hands to stem the flow of questions A cold sweat started to break out on his forehead. Stay calm. Stay calm. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Who said anything about robbery?"[/color][/b] He forced a grin. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"I just observed that as two separate travellers, we had something to gain from... er... travelling... together."[/color][/b] The engineer leaned on the bar next to him. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Besides, you said you were looking for companions... if you don't mind me asking- for what exactly?"[/color][/b] [b][color=ForestGreen]"You want to know why I'm looking for companions? It's simple really, I've always wanted to become an adventurer, and now that I'm old enough and have trained quite a bit under a master I feel like I'm ready to go off and see the world."[/color][/b] Separ paused for a moment as a small smile forms across his face. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Are you an adventurer as well? Because if so I'd definitely be interested in forming a group with you. Umm, are you experienced with any type of combat? Maybe you're some type of weapon user, maybe a mage or could it be that you're unarmed just like me?"[/color][/b] As Separ says this his smile widens even more until he's smiling like an idiot. Yet, due to this coincidence of finding someone so quickly it really wasn't hard to see why he was smiling so happily, even if it was a bit strange. Interesting. This was an odd one. Not that Kelvin was going to complain- any traveling companion was better than none. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Er, not an adventurer so much... no... and I am not really a fighter either... ..."[/color][/b] He looked quickly at the other man's face and recovered his senses. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Ah, but I still have something to offer!"[/color][/b] He straightened his posture hastily, straightening his shirt. [b][color=DodgerBlue]""I am an engineer. My skill is in making things go boom, putting 'em back together, and making things work."[/color][/b] He grinned, [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Besides that, I can defend myself- I have a rather nice crossbow, even if I am useless fighting up close."[/color][/b] It was hard, like trying to sell ones self to another. He really didn't feel like sleeping outside or being hungry tonight though. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"I can't promise I will stick with your crew forever, but I don't mind dedicating myself for a month or two."[/color][/b] [b][color=ForestGreen]"My Crew?"[/color][/b] Separ laughed heartily, only for his laughter to quickly die down and shift into that of nervous laughter. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Truth be told, I don't actually have any other comrades or anything really. I'm just starting out and should you accept you'd be the first person to actually be part of my crew. Though, I don't really consider myself a leader or anything, so it would be our group."[/color][/b] Separ looked around at the other patrons who all seemed to be talking to others, or eating food. [b][color=ForestGreen]"So, you wouldn't happen to know anyone else here, do you? If you do that would be great as we'd already be up to three, maybe even more people. I'll admit, it's a bit off putting that you can't defend yourself when things get close and personal, but to be perfectly honest I don't own any equipment whatsoever so I would actually be useless in ranged combat. Well actually, I could always throw a rock, or something. Oh! Actually I could use this."[/color][/b] Separ grabbed the hilt of the dagger strapped to his waist and pulled it out. [b][color=ForestGreen]"It's just a simple dagger, but I figured I could always throw it at someone, or you know, cut some ropes or escape traps or something. After all, I only use my fists, and a little magic."[/color][/b] Separ placed the dagger back at his side and looked towards Kelvin once more. [b][color=ForestGreen]"So, would you like to join me, and do you, just maybe know some other people around here?"[/color][/b] Kelvin looked the other man up and down, considering. If they really were going to be travelling about, he probably would find more work. As it was he had to go from village to village to find a steady influx of things to fix. It was lonely traveling alone anyways. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Yeah, I'll join you. Unfortunately, I am a bit new to the area though."[/color][/b] He paused, considering those around them. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"A lot of the people here at the inn will be patrons... people who can afford rooms, and probably with plans. We need to find the drifters."[/color][/b] Kelvin tapped a finger on the counter for a moment, pondering. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"We should check around here. The locals can tell us who the drifters are pretty easily."[/color][/b] He glanced over at the barkeep, waving him over. Kelvin reached into a pocket and grimaced to himself as he pulled out his second to last gold coin. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"I don't suppose anyone new has been hanging about lately, other than my friend and myself?"[/color][/b] Kelvin slid the coin across the bar. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"We are looking to get a group together before we head to the next town, you know, to keep off the bandits. Safety in numbers and all that."[/color][/b] The barkeep picked up the coin and examined it closely before stowing it away in his pocket. [b][color=Wheat]"No clue."[/color][/b] Said the man as he went back to working, brewing some alcohol. It was obvious the man was holding back, probably wanting to get paid more in exchange for the information. [b][color=ForestGreen]"If you don't know then could you give my friend his coin back?"[/color][/b] Asked Separ, a bit agitated. [b][color=Wheat]"No, I did answer his question after all."[/color][/b] Said the bartender smirking. Separ stood out of his chair and was ready to argue with him, but quickly stopped as he figured causing a scene wouldn't be a good idea. If a bar fight were to take place, chaos would ensue and well, that wouldn't be good. Instead Separ reached into one of his pockets and handed Kelvin a gold piece. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Here you go. And maybe instead of trying to bribe someone, we could just ask people if they'd like to join our group? I don't really think there's a need to pay people and ask about drifter's, when I'm sure some of the locals would kindly oblige and take us up on the offer of adventure."[/color][/b] Without letting Kelvin get a word in, Separ pointed to the left side of the tavern. [b][color=ForestGreen]"I'll ask over here, and you can ask over there."[/color][/b] And with that Separ walked over and began asking random strangers if they would be okay accompanying him and his newfound friend, Kelvin on their journey. *** 5 minutes later [b][color=ForestGreen]"So what do you say, are you in? I promise me and my friend won't slow you down. After all I can throw a pretty mean punch, and my friend over there is good with a crossbow and knows all about machinery and the like."[/color][/b] To emphasize his skill Separ threw a quick punch which sliced through the air. [b][color=IndianRed]"Sure, sure kid, and maybe on this adventure we can go and slay dragons, save the world, and become the most famous and richest explorers in all the land."[/color][/b] Separ beamed with joy upon hearing this. [b][color=ForestGreen]"So you'll join?"[/color][/b] [b][color=IndianRed]"No! Now get lost before I smash your face in."[/color][/b] Said the drunken man as he slammed his fist on the table trying to intimidate Separ. All Separ could do was sigh as everyone on this side of the tavern had either ignored him or didn't feel like joining him as they were not fit for adventure. [b][color=DodgerBlue]“I’m not having any luck.”[/color][/b] Kelvin slid over next to the other man. Most of the people hanging about were locals, it just seemed that time of day. His gaze slid over the tavern in displeasure. It wasn’t the individual’s faults, just circumstance. [b][color=DodgerBlue]“Maybe we would have better luck outside, more people coming and going.”[/color][/b] The engineer pointedly ignored the tavern keeper, instead giving the room one last look. [b][color=DodgerBlue]“Alright, let’s just-”[/color][/b] There. In the back corner. Kelvin tugged the other guy’s arm. He would have to ask his name sometime. He nodded his head towards the slumped cloaked figure, and moved towards it, having to circle tables and people several times over before he was near. [b][color=DodgerBlue]“Dang. Seems to be asleep.”[/color][/b] Kelvin glanced over at the other guy. [b][color=DodgerBlue]“No harm in checking though.”[/color][/b] Carefully, he pinched the back of the figures hood, leaning over and lifting it slightly to get a look underneath. It was a woman. Beautiful, with porcelian features and black hair. He dropped the hood and straightened, already shaking his head. [b][color=DodgerBlue]“No.”[/color][/b] Watching Kelvin pull back the woman's hood Separ felt a little annoyed. He walked over to Kelvin a bit shocked by his actions. [b][color=ForestGreen]"What was that?"[/color][/b] He asked. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"What do you mean?"[/color][/b] [b][color=ForestGreen]"You know what I mean. You just pulled up her hood and you don't even know her. And why say no immediately anyways? I mean sure she's a girl, but so what? You could have almost woken her up you know."[/color][/b] Separ said, steaming a little. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Well, I am sorry, highness, if I am so much lower down than you in matter's of chivalry, but I was expecting a man, and drunk no less."[/color][/b] Kelvin jerked a thumb at the figure. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"This is different. Go ahead and look yourself if you like, but I say no not because she's a girl, just take a look at her face!"[/color][/b] [b][color=ForestGreen]"Look, I'm not upset because you pulled up her hood specifically, but rather because you did it in general. You really shouldn't just pull up random people's hoods is all I'm trying to get at. Also what exactly is the problem with her face? Does she have scars or is disfigured or something? Either way that's probably why she was wearing the hood in the first place. If she doesn't want to have her face seen just let her be. Either way, let's stop fighting over something this silly, shall we be on our way?"[/color][/b] Asked Separ as he turned toward the main entrance of the tavern. Kelvin sighed and shook his head. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"No scars.. its just..."[/color][/b] He grimaced and looked at her. Maybe it would be best to leave.