[center][u][b]Prof. Richard Albion - Language, 6th Period[/b][/u][/center] Professor Albion continued reading the book from earlier, taking care as to not damage it anymore than it already was. Every so often he'd look up from it's tattered pages to make sure no student was cheating off another. When the faster students began to put down their pencils and lean back in their chairs, signaling that they were finished, Albion placed a bookmark where he had been reading. "When you finish, please bring your test to me so I may grade it," he announced. One by one, students would rise from their seats, turn their test in, then return to where they has been sitting. A few times Albion would have to stop grading to remind the finished students that they needed to wait for everyone to be done before they could begin socializing. When the last test had been brought to his desk, Albion announced, "Now that everyone is done, you can begin talking. See? Not so bad right? I can be a fun teacher. You can all leave when the bell rings, which should be in..." he looked at the time on his scroll before finishing his sentence, "... ten minutes." [center][u][b]Robert Fallson - Language, 6th Period[/b][/u][/center] Robert finished his test quite quickly and was one of the first students to turn it in. He wasn't much for just beginning conversations with strangers, and it didn't seem the teacher would appreciate people talking while there was still people taking the test, so Robert pass the time by quietly [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlAe77E3gxY]singing[/url] to himself. Eventually, Albion gave permission for the students to talk to each other, but seeing as Abel was the only student Robert recognized and he seemed to be the silent type, Robert continued trying to find ways to pass the time, like trying to balance his pencil on several objects around him. "Oh wait," he thought aloud, "Priscilla. I asked her on a date, but never said where we would meet up." He quickly grabbed his scroll and sent a message to her that read, "Hey Priscilla, it's me Robert, obviously. Anyway, let's meet up at that statue in the courtyard. You know, the one at the entrance of the school? For the date? Alright, see you there." After hitting send, Robert felt a sense of relief, "Whoo, that would have been bad. Wandering around the school trying to find each other probably wouldn't have been a good a good beginning to a date. Date. Huh, I'm going on a date. With a pretty girl. Seems a bit unreal. I'm so excited." The student next to Robert was probably giving him some weird looks now. What kind of person says what they're thinking out loud? Robert was completely oblivious, though.