The Crossbowmen of the Guard Houses usually worked in small groups - most often 10 men, but today there were noticeably larger concentrations of the men wearing their long black tunics and gray breastplates. The officers were discerned from the regular rank and file by the blue feathers on their wide hats and high collared cloaks. One member of a group of officers however stood out with her breastplate having the emblem of the House Crow and the hat had a bright green feather. She had pulled the long collar of her cloak up and made sure her hair also covered the left side of her face. Two nearly identical men followed after their commander and actually were deep in a rather pointless conversation about the lack of good wine in the current part of the city. Ramia let out a rather exasperated gasp and brought the unit of 20 men to a halt. With a little movement of her hand she motioned the rank and file men to form up in to two rows on either side of the road. "Since the noble twins Avar seem to have no love for cheap wine the lot of you have half an hour to reach the closest winehouse, enjoy two goblets of the cheapest wine they are offering and be back here. Am I understood? The small group of Crossbowmen lifted their fists to their chests and let out a syncronous "Yes, Lady Crow." before they began running up the small hill towards a winehouse. "I still don't get why you keep doing that..." Caerin mumbled as he adjusted his blue feathered hat and spat on the cobblesstones while ever so slightly stroking his thin goatee. Ramia flashed a little smile "Well, dear Caerin. It keeps the morale of the men up - besides..." She lit a cigarette while leaning against the wall - though the lady did noticeably flinch as the paper began burning. "...It gives me a moment to clear my head before I have to meet the Lord of Swords himself." Dion let out a little gasp "You are going to meet the Lord of Swords today? Why didn't you inform us earlier?" The twins glanced at each other like they had been betrayed ever so slightly. The black haired woman just forced the most innocent smile to her lips. "I just told you, besides I intend to go there alone - so you'll have the command again." Caerin rolled his eyes "For what, half an hour? Or are you going to barricade yourself in one of the more shady winehouses again?" Though his tone was warm and humorous the look on his face changed in to a very apologetic one the very moment his eyes met with Ramia's. The Lady Crow blew out a ring of smoke and gave the blonde haired men a rather nasty look. "If you keep using that tone with me Caerin there are going to be consequences." "Like sending us to bed without dinner?" Dion mumbled under his breath. The rather unnerving silence was broken by the three friends bursting in to laughter.