When the shuttle took off from the hanger, Kelsey sealed the helmet on her head and booted it up to make sure all the functions were working. On her wrist appeared a heads up display showing the vital signs of all the expedition members provided by the same injections that was required for the transmitter. She had been in plenty of dropships during her time the infantry and was very used to the felling of the ship hitting the atmosphere and breaking through to the surface. Kelsey watched as the commanding officer open the hatch leading to the surface and was shocked when a primate like creature attacked the man activating an alarm on her heads-up display. The alarm indicated an elevated adrenaline level as Hughes fought off the creature and got to his feet. She unhooked her harness and approached the man as the levels returned to normal on her meters. "Well that is an interesting start to this little adventure Sir. Don't worry you will be fine, that's why I am here." The medic smiles at him through her mask and patted him on the back before hefting her rifle onto her shoulder ready for anything that could happen.