Carver withdrew his hand quickly at the strange voice's behest. That certainly wasn't the reaction he'd been expecting - glowing eyes and booming commands were usually confined to things paladins were expected either to worship or to kill, but as the girl tottered forward, pulling the brim of her hat down to hide her eyes, Carver was certain that neither of those reactions would be appropriate. No, his initial plan regarding the girl still seemed appropriate - she needed help. It took him a moment to realize the half-elf was talking, and with a severe lisp, too. Something about a tavern? That seemed like it would serve both for getting the girl out of the heat (and the crowd) and for getting the gnome some food. He smiled at the man. "A tavern sounds like a fine idea. Might I trouble you to take us there?" He glanced around at the company. "A bit of rest and a meal, and I'm sure we'll all be feeling right as rain, friends." He moved closer to the girl - not enough to risk triggering the same bizarre reaction, but enough that she could lean on him if she felt the need. He also extended a hand down to the gnome, hoping to prevent the small fellow from being lost in the crowd.