[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] [b]"Mayhaps you'd like me to join you?[/b]" Kelvin jerked around, twisting to look at the woman as she stood upright. He slapped a hand to his face, dragging it down, pulling on his flesh and in general just making him look tired. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"See what I mean?"[/color][/b] He lowered his voice for his companion, but doubtless the woman could hear as well. She pulled back her hood, fully revealing her features to the both of them. Pristine, perfect. Warning bells everywhere. First. Why was she alone? With a face like that she could easily have been married to a rich man, or already in the bloodline of a powerful one. Second. If she was alone, how had she managed to get so far by herself? It just reeked of alarm. No offense to her, of course. It just didn't look safe... Kelvin glanced at his companion, wondering. Was he a fool for a pretty face? [b]"However, to be willing to place one's hand so close to a lady, you must be rather daring of a person."[/b] A flush crept across his cheeks for an instant, before he quickly responded. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Aye, no more daring than a lady who sleeps in a commoner's tavern with the ease of a barmaid."[/color][/b] His tongue was going to get him into trouble someday. Kelvin averted his eyes from her, towards his companion. [b][color=DodgerBlue]"Your call sir."[/color][/b]