[hider=The Great and Powerful Titus MacArthur] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Titus MacArthur[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Roid Rage, Roid Muncher, Barry Bonds, Meathead, Buttmonkey[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]17[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]7'0"[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]480 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]Returning [/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Red[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Olive[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Scottish-American[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Titus is a giant of a man. Standing at 7’0”, Titus looks down at professional basketball players. He is ripped to a ridiculous point, his entire body sculpted of gigantic, well-formed musculature. He has legs like tree trunks and long arms like concrete pillars He has an enormous pair of hands, big enough to palm a basketball, and a thick neck that makes his head look somewhat small. He has a very wide stance that makes it look like the ground should shake when he walks, and a wide barrel chest that makes him look even more enormous than he already is. Titus’ hair matches his burly appearance. It is kept in a short bush of sorts, and resembles a mane. On his face is a massive full red beard that makes him look almost like an alpha male. He has a prominent nose and intense-looking dark green eyes that make his emotions look much more intense. Titus is never just “happy”, he’s jubilant and rocking with warm hearty laughter like Santa McClaus, and he’s never just angry; he’s absolutely furious and is ten seconds from steam blasting out of his ears like a cartoon character. . On Titus’ right bicep is the tattoo of a scottish claymore with a green ribbon hanging from it and blowing in the wind. Titus’ voice is gruff and deep, like he has roid rage. He almost always sounds angry and unintelligent. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT] Imagine a city kid trying to look like a lumberjack. Titus is fond of tight jeans and flannel shirts that make him look like a bigger douchebag than he already is. The flannel is often rolled up to his elbows to make him look like he does more than lift weights and drink creatine for a living. He wears a pair of brown hiking boots on his feet. When it’s hot out, he’ll wear a muscle shirt and basketball shorts to show off his huge muscles as well as a pair of ripoff Oakley sunglasses (actually the phrase “ripoff Oakley Sunglasses” describes Titus pretty well). [/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]The most hilarious and informative way to experience Titus’ personality is firsthand, so this will be brief. In short, Titus is a douchebag. He has a very short temper, and has a habit of acting like a total moron when he’s pissed off. He makes terrible decisions when angry that usually lead him down a path that makes him look stupid and weak. He loves fighting, and loves gloating about fighting more. Titus rarely wins fights, despite his powers, making him the ultimate iron buttmonkey. He is obsessed with being the best and anyone who tries to look stronger or better than him. Titus seriously has an inferiority complex when it comes to other men. He absolutely has to be the alpha in any conversation or else someone’s about to get in a fight with a giant. It’s not even that he’s just being a jerk; it literally drives him crazy when anyone tries to say they’re stronger or harder-working than him. Titus fancies himself a ladies man. Ladies, however, do not. Most women find Titus creepy and overbearing. He rarely ever has a girlfriend, although if you asked him, he sleeps with a different girl every day of the week. Once again, inferiority complex. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Lift, drink more than he should, lift, smoke, flirt badly, not get laid, lift, drink protein, lift, brag, drive like an idiot, lift, watch football, cheer way too overbearingly, smash things when the refs make bad calls, and lift. He likes playing basketball. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Not winning fights and not getting laid. He’s a master at both of those. He can play bass, but rarely does because he says it’s “lame”. The bass has the same opinion of you as you do of it, Titus. So does your mother. Titus is the best power lifter in the world, but he’s not allowed to compete because he’s a meta. He’s decent at basketball too. [/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]None[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]“WHY ARE YOU SO WEAK?” [/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT] I have used Titus MacArthur five times in roleplays, and I’ve never once given him a suitable backstory. Let’s fix that. Titus MacArthur was born in Black Fall, Pennsylvania, to a father who was an Army colonel and a mother who spent most of her time complaining about how things could be better. From his birth, Titus knew that he was different; he was never as smart as others, only learning to talk at about two years old. He had a lot of developmental problems growing up due to his strange mutations and doctors had no idea what exactly was the problem. They discovered the problem when at age three Titus walked out of the fifth story window of his apartment and landed on concrete. He was pronounced dead at the scene until he woke up in the middle of the ambulance ride and started giggling. It was then that the doctors knew that Titus MacArthur was a rather exceptional metahuman. Titus began to grow rapidly at that point, and by age seven he was 5’6”, taller than any other kid in his school. He was bullied initially for his size, and, as his secondary power had yet to kick in, he became a bit of a punching bag for other students. He got beat up often in school but he had no bruises to show because they always healed before he got home. Then one day at recess when Titus was twelve, Titus was walking along a road which ran by the school when a real jackass of a kid pushed him into oncoming traffic. Titus was hit by a pickup truck and went airborne, where he skidded and made quite a bloody mess. As he laid limp on the ground, he began to convulse and his muscles began to move as if snakes were crawling under his skin. He woke back up a few days later with the muscle tone of a full-grown Hulk and the testosterone of a bull gorilla. He stayed at the hospital for about a week and then left fully healed despite having shattered several very important bones. The first thing that Titus did when he got back to school was find the kid who kicked him and throw him through a wall, breaking half of the bones of his body. Then he demolished the principal’s car. Obviously, the world of public education was no longer sufficient for Titus. The doctors suggested that he be sent to Academy 218, a school for metahumans like himself who needed special teachers to keep them from, y’know, destroying the world. At first, Titus’ parents weren’t too fond of the idea of sending their son away to a school, but the next time Titus walked by one of his classmates’ houses, he was shot in the leg. He shattered both of the gunman’s femurs and made quite the hole in his concrete steps. A few months later, Titus enrolled and has been at The Academy ever since. He’s never been very well-liked due to his general demeanor of “GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” and he gets into a lot of fights. In fact, Titus has been there so long and has gotten detention so many times that he has his very own room made of a titanium alloy where he is put when he gets detention (because the old concrete maximum security detention cell wasn’t enough). [/INDENT] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Col. Alan MacArthur: Father. Courtney MacArthur: Mother. Duane MacArthur: Younger brother. [/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super System[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT] Titus is a possessor of near-unconquerable strength and regeneration. Take Hulk’s strength and give it to Wolverine and you have Titus MacArthur. Titus can smash cars, lift train engines, and crush a human skull with one hand. He can lift somewhere around 20,000 pounds, enough to bench press a pickup truck and shot put a Prius. Titus can do this because he has six times the number of muscle cells as a regular human, and these muscle cells are three times more durable than a human’s, greatly compounding his physical strength. Titus’ strength is also increased by the fact that his body is constantly over-producing testosterone, making him incredibly aggressive. He usually takes some medication to decrease his testosterone output, but it still cannot prevent a ton of it from getting into his system. So, to answer the burning question, yes, Titus does in fact lift. His bones are fortified to be able to withstand Titus’ strength, and if he does lift too much, his body can regenerate extremely well. Titus can heal pretty easily. Small wounds only take a few minutes to heal, and wounds on his body rarely take more than three hours to heal. The worst wound he ever got, shattering his skull, took about five days to heal. Titus is also immune to poisons and disease due to his hyper-efficient immune system. The trick to Titus’ regeneration is his incredible amount of stem cells. All of Titus’ organs, bones, and muscle cells are surrounded by quick-multiplying stem cells that activate at the moment of damage and begin to quickly replace damaged tissues. The hyperactive immune system helps this by attacking any tumors that form, making tumors highly unlikely to persist in Titus’ body (but not impossible). This gives Titus a sort of autoimmune disorder, but his stem cells reproduce so fast that it is rarely noticeable unless he received some horribly awful wound, in which case he could get rashes and such. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Titus cannot survive instant-death situations such as being shot in the head by a large-caliber bullet or being beheaded. He cannot replace lost limbs of any kind, and he also cannot replace an entire organ if the organ and its stem cell shell group is completely removed. Titus also is not immune to pain. No matter what happens to Titus, he always feels it, whether he’s shot through the heart or thrown off of the top of a building. His healing actually increases his pain, making him more likely to pass out from excessive pain. Whenever Titus receives any kind of serious head wound, he passes out, so his head is a weak point. Also, when Titus is really badly wounded, his autoimmune disease can kick in, causing inflammation and body rashes which, while not fatal, are quite painful and slow his healing factor. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Titus is strong. He can smash pretty much anything in the rp, but his powers with his personality bears similarities to giving a seven-year-old a sledgehammer. To put it frankly, Titus isn’t very smart, like, at all. He has an extremely low iQ and, due to numerous brain injuries and his stem cell layers, actually has less functioning brain cells than your average human. This gives Titus very little common sense, causing him to often do things like land in really obvious traps or keep running past an opponent and run through a wall. Titus is very easy to outsmart. His testosterone increase amplifies this as it makes him always on the impulsive and aggressive side of things. Another negative to Titus’ power is his tremendous weight. Despite having little fat, Titus is incredibly heavy, meaning that he is slow and can have his own momentum used against him. Any accomplished finesse fighter will discover quickly that once Titus gets going, it’s damn hard for him to stop. This makes everything around Titus susceptible to collateral damage when he’s fighting, and walls often come tumbling down when he really gets into it. Agile opponents can easily use Titus’ sluggish nature and supernatural momentum to their advantage, sending him flying with ease. All of these factors make Titus a kind of iron buttmonkey, that character who you’d think would be the bringer of justice and the kicker of ass but who is actually fairly easy to beat. Sure, if you just stand there and take a punch from Titus MacArthur you’re fucking dead, but if you know what you’re doing he is an easy opponent to beat. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWPjk5iwGac[/youtube] [/hider] [INDENT][/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] wip [INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider]