[h1]Separ[/h1] The moment I laid eyes on this woman I felt my body's temperature rise as my face turned beet red. I could hardly say a word as I was immediately enchanted by her beauty, and in that short moment time seemed to creep to a halt making it feel like an eternity. "Make sure there's at least one cute girl in your group as well, okay?" The words of my mentor echoed in my head as I continued to gaze upon this girl's beauty. [color=Dodgerblue]"Your call sir."[/color] Kelvin's words brought me out of my trance and back to reality. Ahh, just how stupid can I be? I can't just gawk at this girl, and besides regardless of how good my mentor's training was, I don't think his last snippet of advice can be considered valid. I sighed for a moment redirecting my focus to try and calm myself down. My body slowly changed back to normal as I now stared at the woman. I would not fall under her spell so easiy, even if I wanted to actually do so. Wait why am I admitting that? Ahh, forget it, just say something so you don't look like an idiot. [color=ForestGreen]"I'd love it if you joined us, though I must ask if you know about how to fight or any useful skills really. I wouldn't want you or Kelvin for that matter, to get put into any dangerous situations, so please be truthful to what you can or can't do. Or at the very least understate your abilities so we don't do anything to rash and wind up all dead or something, I don't know."[/color] I gulped as while I wasn't going gaga over her anymore, I was still having a bit of trouble talking, as evidenced by the nervousness in my voice. Well it wasn't that big of a deal anyways, I probably just needed to get used to her.