Right, as I've said, I reread the thing, and I THOUGHT more were force-based the first time through, lol. Anyways, as far as what to give me as far as forms go, I generally just like dragons. Yes, I know practically all baby~in training digimon are blob-shaped, and if I have to start as/with one, I'll live with it. I recall one game which my little brother got me, and one of the digimon there was, and sorry if I misspell it, Guilomon, obviously got the name from the lizard of a similar name. I kinda liked that one for whatever reason, and haven't seen too much of anything involving digivolving, save for that brief period of time when I was into the show during its first season. So, yeah, that info. I'll try to get together what I can, and have read most of the rulebook so far. We get 45 points at the start, though, I'm still not sure which rank the digimon start out at.