Nyx spun towards the voice, bow raised and arrow knocked, but seemed unable, for the momeent, to figure out just where the voice had come from. "See, see, you never take things at sight value!" She said, glancing quickly to Vespion, "You have no instincts for this sort of thing!" She glanced around the room, arrow still knocked ----- "People have all sorts of different needs" Jammy said, "Some people like those materials needs, and if their merchant can provide them that, then they are offering comfort as well" Jammy said, with a shrug, "I do what I do because Its what I need to do" ----- Railing nodded, a gesture of thank, "You're good too" He said, but didn't waste any more time on talking, taking two quick steps, Railing made to attack head on, quickly stepping to the side as he did so, and bringing the blade around with him.