[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Y65jycm.jpg?1[/IMG] [CENTER][I]Welcome to our Prison. Alien Scum. or Terrorist or whatever the hell you are. Welcome to the Expertus Priso and Don't even think about attempting to escape. We're dead deep in Space far far away from Civilization from were any of you Insolent shits can't do any harm. Now. Get out of my face.[/I][/CENTER] [h2]TL;DR Summary:[/h2] [list] [*]You are in Maximum-security prison [*]IN SPACE. far far away from civilization [*]Their are Aliens[/list] [h2]In Character Info:[/h2] [indent][I]You are a Criminal, whatever crime you did it must have been a Big one. or maybe you didn't commit a crime? (doctor who theme song plays) You can play as a Alien Prisoner, but you should act like a Alien, not a Human in a alien costume[/I][/indent] [h2]Out of Character Info:[/h2] [indent]da rulez 1 We're here to have fun. so have fun! 2 You can only RP as a Prisoner 3 No Erotic Role Play (ERP) take that stuff to the 1x1 RPs 4 No Mary sues. also known as Godmodding 5 No OOC Drama take that stuff to the PMs 6 Use common sense. 7 no controlling other players 8 No putting TBA on a Character Sheet. we all know it will never get added 9 Feel free to make any Alien Species you want! I'll list down all of the Alien Species[/indent] [hider=Alien Species]Humans: Humans are the dominant Species, a Big. Dictatorship of a Empire that is highly Racist towards the Other Alien Species. Why the Aliens are tolerated isn't exactly known. The Humans are Large and own almost 80% Of the Universe. Having over one hundred thousand Planets colonized and a Massive Military. this is the golden age for them. but not for the rest Humanities technological Level is a lot like ours today, except with better. faster firing weapons and Stronger bullets, Basically think of Warhammer 40k's Imperium of Man except without laser guns the Architecture of humanity mainly composes of Big Steel walls and its very Practical. and defensive in the prison, However in staff rooms it is usually filled with Hardwood Floors and paintings everywhere. very fancy. The Architecture of humanity hasn't grown very much from what we have now. Steel walls are common due to the fact that Steel has grown cheap. [b]The Gasions[/b] The Gasions are a Angry Sentient Gas Race that is entirely made out of a big posionious sentient cloud, they are a completely Anarchistic Race that lives in space as huge colonies known as "Clouds" Each Gasion Cloud is its own nation. Completely made up of Angry Gas people. Each Cloud is different in its own way Notable Clouds 1 the Terra Cloud. This is a weird cloud. each of their members have locked themselves inside a special biosuit that contains all of their Gas and uses the Gas inside of them to control the Biosuits. they are extremely Territorial and Highly Advanced. They live on the Same planet as the Terrions and are currently waging a large scale war. they often use the Terrions as Slaves to build Biosuits and whatever they want. 2 The Migration Cloud This cloud is a large cloud that is even more angry than the Terra Cloud. Instead of using Biosuits they simply formed a gigantic cloud. they are incredibly Angry and they are always Migrating. Destorying anything in their path The Prisoner Gasions are locked inside of Biosuits so they don't choke everyone to death. they are very vulnerable to the heat and if they are heated up they literally freeze into a block [b]Terrions[/b] The Terrions are a Timid race of plant people. they control half of the Terrion planet and they have a special connection with the Nature around them. they can literally connect with Nature. They're Technology sucks and most of their things are made out of the fallen corpses of their friends and Dead Plants. The Terrions also have a taste for flesh. and they will only eat things that are decomposed. most of them are enslaved by the Gasions [b]Kayik[/b] (singular & plural) The Kayik are a four-armed race ranging from 6 to 13 feet tall. they have four eyes that glow light-blue when they are alive and In their mouths are two rows of sharp, knife-like teeth. The Kayik are a nomadic race and usually act as mercenaries and scavengers. The Kalorii are amazing engineers and possess advanced technology and space-faring capabilities. Their society and culture work off a medieval sort of "Noble House" system. [/hider] [hider=CS Sheet][b]Character Sheet[/b] [url]https://titanpad.com/JVgChTsjMq[/url] CS at the bottom [B]Name:[/b] [B]Age:[/b] [B]Gender:[/b] [B]Ethnicity/Nationality:[/b] [B]Physical Description:[/b] [INDENT]It's probably best to actually describe the character if you are going to rely on a picture, or you can do without the picture if you like, but definitely describe.[/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/b] [INDENT]Talents one has either naturally or through education or training of some sort.[/INDENT] [B]History:[/b] [INDENT]Explain how your character got there -- no 'the story will come out in RP' lines, please -- I want a feel for where your character is coming from. Feel free to work up names and places and so forth. Be sure to mention arrests or feuds and debts and the such.[/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT]An idea of how the character thinks and so forth; should be linked to the history.[/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b] [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list][/hider] [hider=Alien Sheet]Name: Average appearance: Bio: Current State: (how they are doing today)[/hider] The Prison [hider=Guard Loadout]1 Helmet. 2 Gas Mask 3 Great big armored coat 4 Gas tank 5 Boots 6 a really sharp Sword 7 Tear gas 8 Riot Shield (sometimes) 9 a Assault rifle 10 Handcuffs[/hider] [hider=The prison and its many rooms]1 the Shipyard. A big yard of Ships. Connects to the entrance. Locked and no prisoners are allowed here. Prisoners and supplies are brought through the shipyard 2 The Entrance. a long hallway. This is just a big hallway with a Metal detector in the middle of it. and a door at the end. Connects to the Shipyard. The Field and the Armory 3 The control room, its a Big area full of weaponry. Guard uniforms and Other Security related things. and a Computer. the computer is hooked up to every single Device in the Prison including many hidden other ones. The Computer can also Ventilate certain rooms with a deadly gas that makes people fall asleep. connects to the entrance. their is also a big generator in this room that generates power for the entire prison 4 the Field. This is were Prisoners are thrown and [s]forgotten[/s] its a big green field with multiple work benches and other things. the Door to the Entrance is way up high. theirs a Safety neat under the door were prisoners are thrown into. Connects to the Cells. the Kitchen. The Chapel. the Canteen. the Medical bay. 5 The Cells. A Huge set of cells for all of the prisoners, each Cell is messy and Dark. this is were prisoners will be thrown into. connected to Solitary 6 Solitary. A tiny. dark. Room were prisoners are thrown into for breaking the Prisons Harsh Rules. Prisoners are also brung here to be interrogated 7 Medical Bay. it has a lot of Medicine, and surgery tools. With a big table in the middle and multiple beds. You'll be spending a lot of time here :P 8 the Chapel. a Big place of worship for all religions. 9 The Canteen. the canteen is a series of Tables and Chairs. connected to a window to the Kitchen were the Chefs give out food See this picture for details [img]http://i.gyazo.com/9470cf20cbf830c83ae34e3bef988468.png[/img] FOOD MENU Broccoli. Salad. Sloppy Joe Water Mystery meat burger 10 the kitchen. this is were the chefs make their absolutely [s]horrible[/s] Delicious food. theirs a metal detector here 11 the vents. The Vents are connected to each room, they'll require a fork to open. Each Vent is big enough for a Man, crawling through here will probably by your primary escape plan.[/hider]