[i]The Age of Strife that has lasted for over five thousand years is finally coming to an end and the Emperor of Mankind has finally united Terra and has started on the Great Crusade to reestablish contact with the colonies that had been lost during the war with the 'Iron Men' at the end of the Dark Age of Technology and the warp storms that made space travel impossible during the Age of Strife and unite them under the Imperial Truth. Before the Crusade had the chance to get properly underway however, a stumbling block was run into. The future leaders of the Emperor's Space Marines that he had genetically engineered from his own DNA and altered to make them neigh on Demi Gods in which to base his loyal Space Marine Legions off of were lost, scattered throughout the galaxy as infants. The Crusade must go on through; Hopefully with time, the lost Primarchs will be discovered and their place at the forefront of humanity restored. [/i] Based somewhat largely off an experiment that 4chan once did, The Grand Crusade starts of in a similar fashion to the Great Crusade (Even having the same goal in mind)... which just one major difference; The Primarchs (And thus the Legiones Astartes that would be based off of them/ be lead by them) are not the same. No Horus, No Russ... No Papa Smurf. Instead, the players will be invited to create their own Primarch and thus their own legions. The plan at the moment is to have twenty legions (Players) taking part in the Grand Crusade to unite humanity under the Imperial Truth while defending mankind from the various horrors that stalk the galaxy. Exactly how this plays out will largely be up to them; What methods, tactics, philosophy or weapons you choose to employ during your mission to bring planets under the control and protection of the Emperor is your decision and will influence how your legion interacts with the rest. I am also going to be making the call that Primarchs can be whatever gender the player wishes, but the trade off for this is that the space marine parts of your legion are going to have to be the same gender as their primarch. Space Marines are still the engineered super solders that we all know and love and the legions are based off of the geneseed of their respective primarchs; There is a great deal of genetic engineering involved in the process and not everyone survives even under the best of circumstances. Trying to use a male space marine template on a woman or trying to use a female space marine template on a man would result in complications, mutations or even outright rejections; all of which would doom the recipient to a painful death and waste everyones time and resources. [hider=Primarch CS] Name: Gender: (Male or Female, I am going to leave that up to you. Just keep in mind that this shall also reflect the make up of your legion.) Homeworld: (What planet have we found you on and what kind of world is it? What kind of challenges would those living here have to face? Feel free to be creative here.) Appearance: Personality: [/hider] [hider=Legion CS] [url]http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/smpbeta.php[/url] Legion Name: Favored tactics: Favored battlefield role: Legion Characteristics/Ideology: Hated Enemy: [/hider]