[quote=@MelonHead] Find me a man who can shoot fire from his hands and come back to me on how logic should dictate post by post combat. Of course, melting metal with fire requires incredibly high temperatures, and would essentially allow you to kill any character even up to the supernatural tier instantaneously, which is why the system is in place. You wouldn't be allowed to fight anyone you could kill instantly unless they for some reason accepted a fight that unfair. [/quote] Logic does not strictly apply to Tier 1. Let's say that we're using the Narutoverse or the Bleachverse (for simplicity's sake due to there being established rules). This universe has its own set of rules and thus logic that will be used in fights. Logic is not inherently tied to the realms of reality. The argument lies within the idea of a character's power being based on all members within a tier having equal power (that is the implication I took from your argument - please correct me if I misunderstood). Not all characters are equal, and not all power levels are equal. Tiers should exist to separate meaningful boundaries that power levels cannot cross without massively giving an advantage or disadvantage to a given side.