[@Arcedia] Anyways, per your app I wanted to talk to one other guy from here about it, as it stands I only managed to sit down with Byrd, our America. But between he and I we came to the conclusion that you certainly read the opening post. But what the two of us would like to see is some more content written beyond what's in the OP. We'd like to know stuff like who the leader is, their perimeters beyond deposing Arnold (because besides meglomania there'd have to be some issues that effect things on a broader scale than an intel agent's ethical qualms), how they expect to combat the regime, and how the regime might fight back. It makes sense to me since it'd comfort me to know you have some thought in it and at least have some sort of idea where their goal is, how it might be achieved, and how long it might take knowing where all the points of conflict are, personal and political. You got a fine app so far but when you can sit down it'd be cool to know some additional stuff. There's some good five RP years of unwritten material between when the original Canada (Arnie) disappeared and now.