Name- Snaga Arturius Gender-Male Homeworld -Drenai. A fierce jungle world with dense foliage and many large predators preying on all those who try to make a life there. The most terrifying of which is the Rigante. The Rigante is a large tiger like creature with blade like spines running down it's back, it has natural armour covering much of it's body and blends in seamlessly with the environment with it's dark green and black covering. The planet remains primitive with those local to the planet still relying on the most basic of weapons and tools. Even medical technology is still primitive, many die from infections received while hunting or trying to tame some of the planets monstrous creatures. On a planet like this only the strong live to see adulthood. Appearance- Snaga is a huge man in every sense of the word. His body is rippling with tight musculature however on him it does not seem cumbersome as his speed is fearsome. He has shoulder length red hair and a beard braided in three seperate braids binded with rings of bronze. His eyes are piercing and predatory often making those who look into his eyes for an extended time feel like the lowest of prey. He dresses in the thick leathers of the prey he has hunted in the vast jungles of his planet. When he is feasting or in meetings of leadership he is often seen wearing a cloak formed from a skinned Rigante a badge of honour only worn by the few in the history of the planet who have managed to fell a Rigante is single combat. The victory did not come without a price, the large knotted scars on his chest show the battle was hard won. He is always accompanied by his large greataxe, even in times of peace amongst his own people it is always seen strapped across his back. Personality- Snaga seems to seethe with predatory instinct and it shows in his personality. He is often seen as harsh and brutal and never dances around subjects preferring to get to the heart of matters as fast as possible. He often makes those unfamiliar with his mannerisms uncomfortable due to his intensity and the fact he seems to emanate danger. To those of his clan, those he considers family he is seen in a very different light. They see him feasting and drinking the harsh liquors brewed on his home planet, they see him telling tall stories of his hunts and battles, jesting with those who have fought alongside him. Legion name- Drenaide Brothers Favoured tactics- The Drenaide Brothers like to strike from concealed positions closing quickly into personal conflict. This is shown to it's greatest extent on planets similar to their home world with dense cover and concealment. Where they often strike from the shadows inflict great casualties and then fade away before they can be properly engaged. On planets and situations where this is not possible they utilize heavy weapons fire from the flanks to try and suppress the enemy, leaving those in the center free to close into close combat often utilizing jump packs or fast moving vehicles. Favoured battlefield roll- The Drenaide Brothers favour close personal combat given the choice. Once battle it properly joined they are often seen with bolters discarded or holstered battering their way through enemy lines. Legion Characteristics/Ideology- The legions characteristics obviously follow after those of their primarch. All members of the chapter emanate violence and danger. Over time they develop other traits their skin hardens and thickens forming natural armour that only strengthens as they age. Their canines begin to grow until they are easily twice their normal size and they develop sharper natural senses. For this reason those that embrace their nature to the fullest are often seen discarding their helmets in combat or eschew them entirely. They also develop a taste for very rare or raw meat this often only begins to manifest itself after their more animalistic changes take place. The Legion has a strong sense of honour and glory gained through combat. This doesn't often manifest in duels on the battlefield or the like, instead it is more as a collective as they defeat enemies larger or more numerous then themselves. Killing them in the most brutal and efficient way possible. They also have a very strong sense of clan/family. The younger of the legion looking onto those who have served longer than them as their older brothers and the primarch as their father. It is often said the biggest mistake you can make is impinging the honour or insulting one of the Drenaide Brothers, because insulting one is insulting all. The legions armour is a dark green base with black irregular diagonal tiger stripes crossing across it. The armour is often adorned by objects salvaged from vanquished enemies. These can be anything from furs to teeth to weapon fragments.