Won't argue with you if you don't like the Origins/History section. It was pretty much the only thing I could think of, and will do my best to remake it should you say so. [hr] Code Name: Pirate Queen Real Name: Cathryn Tessaro Age: 30 Gender: Female Nationality: Italian-American Powers: Weapon Manipulation. Capable of summoning many different types of weapons. Ranging from small pocket knives and pistols, to heavy caliber weaponry like machine guns and launchers. As well as heavy weight swords, maces, and axes. Even bows. All the while having inexhaustible supply of ammunition. Has even summoned larger weapons like cannons, but can get quite exhausted when summoning even one. She can also operate weapons telekinetically. Allowing her move, fire, and reload weapons without physical contact. However, the range is quite limited to the size of the weapon. Small firearms like pistols can only go approximately four feet from her. Swords and other melee weapons can go farther, about ten or so feet. Larger guns like assault rifles and shotguns go about the same distance. The number of telekinetically manipulated weapons is limited as well. Three firearms max, five melee weapons max. This number is excluding any weapons she is currently holding. A unique thing about her power is her instantaneous, yet temporary, mastery of any weapon or weapons she operates. Once she stops operating the weapon(s) she loses all knowledge on how to handle the weapon. Origins/History: Cathryn didn't learn of her powers till she was 19, when she was aboard a passenger vessel with her parents. The vessel was boarded by some lowly local pirates attempting to seize the vessel and kill anyone who stood in the way. She noted they weren't very organized, but stayed to the side. It was when her mother accidentally bumped into one of the pirates, which proceeded to beat her mother, that caused her to interfere. The man's assault rifle being tugged away from him, first by her own hands, but then by telekinetic means. Shortly after seizing the rifle from him, it was aimed at him, then a few shots rang out. She then became interested in modern piracy a few years after. Cathryn was more than just some pirate in desperate need of money, she was quite successful. Branded as a national, and even an international threat at some point in her time of tyranny. The name Pirate Queen is more true to it's word than most would like to believe. She was the ring leader of a pirating syndicate. Terrorizing the waters around the world, taking out smaller pirate groups and some larger ones. Even finding a way to terrorize two of the Great Lakes for a few months. This earned her a mixed reputation amongst the world. They were thankful that she took out some of that other pirate rings, but were fearful if she became the only pirate leader and collapse the global economy. The Navy tended to be wary of her presence, sending out messages, warning to keep her distance and warning shots fired in the vicinity of her ships. Which were empty to her and usually pushed the lone vessels out of her area. She had pretty good control over the international waters. But one day, the Navy came up with a plan. Not a mouse trap, or assassination. Those had been tried one too many times for their comfort, and she had noticeably learned from those attempts. No, their plan was something they only tried once before, that ended in a stalemate between the two forces. A head on fight, no sneaky operations. Just a straight head on fight between both forces, but they got their timing right. Bringing a force over twice the size of hers while she was on patrol with three ships. The battle was still ferocious, but she was ultimately taken down. Her own personal, nearly sunken ship being towed behind a Navy vessel. They didn't want to take her aboard, fear of her commandeering the vessel then fleeing. She was to be given specialty treatment. This treatment being a special firing squad that sat back about 20 feet to ensure that even if she did try to shoot at them, they could take her out before she could take the whole squad out. And it almost happened, but someone paid her a visit on the scheduled day. And asked a few questions. Shortly after the visit ended, she was given to the U.S. Government who placed her in MetaOps, and has been in the group for a few years now Personality: A very pompous and flirtatious woman who will get what she wants one way or another. She does suffer from occasional depression, and refuses to talk to anyone as to why. Appearance: [hider][img]http://i1.minus.com/i6012ITS1qvCb.png[/img][/hider]