[center] [color=662d91]~Abigail Blanchett~[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Why am I…really being nice to you?”[/color] Hrmph. Sounded like she didn't entirely know herself. [color=f49ac2]“Well, uh… I guess you could say that… no one’s ever, you know, helped me out for no reason before,"[/color] So, that one time she had decided to be generous had completely backfired on her. Well, that was the last time she was ever going to do that. [color=f49ac2]"And… I admire you? You helped me when I was lost and couldn't read my map, and you were nice to me when your Nidoran attacked Tesla.”[/color] She...admired her? Well, okay, that was actually a first and may not be so bad. Growing up, most people tended to avoid her for obvious reasons. An Ice Queen who would sell her own parents to get what she wanted. While it was untrue, she didn't say or do anything to dispute the fact. Instead, she tended to...well, just go with it. [color=f49ac2]"I don’t expect you to be nice to me, or even to consider me your friend! But to me, you’re, uh… I consider you my friend, and… I want to help you! I want to help you become the best trainer in the region. Wait, no! I want to help you become the best trainer in the whole world!”[/color] Abigail found herself caught off guard. She didn't really know how to respond to this. Well, Melody seemed nice enough, but how was she supposed to react to someone she barely knew just saying that she wanted to help her become the best trainer in the whole world? That seemed a bit...odd? Why would Melody chose her over someone else? She couldn't understand it. Not to mention she found herself blushing slightly. Well, she wasn't going to stop Melody form following her if she really wanted too. Not her problem since she seemed at least to be a competent enough of a trainer. So, after that and shooing away Alexander, She went about getting to know her newest addition to her team. That dumb bug that she had simply caught on a whim. She reached into her pockets and pulled out the pokeball, releasing the Spinarak. She knelt down, getting as close to the pokemons level as she could. [color=662d91]"Bonjour la,"[/color] She started. [color=662d91]"We kinda got off on the...mauvais pied, didn't we?"[/color] She was being much friendlier to the pokemon that she was probably going to be to anyone else. Unfortunately, the bug, was obviously less than pleased with its current situation. [color=662d91]"Hold still and I'll get rid of that Paralysis for you."[/color] It was easy enough to use the healing item. When Abigail reached a hand out to pet the small bug type, however, in response, it shot more web onto her face. [color=662d91]"Okay, if that's how you want to be you dumbass bug,[/color]" She growled. [color=662d91]"Two can play that game. Tyrian, you can play with him."[/color] Tyrian visibly perked up at this, as he was giving the Bug type quizzical looks from a little ways off. It quickly ran up to the Spinarak, giving it soft, curious pokes with its claws, easily annoying the bug. The Spinarak attempted to shoo away the purple pokemon, but only ended up encouraging the poison type further. Eventually Tyrian tackled the poor bug, landing on top of the Spinarak and giving it quite the spiky...'hug'. [color=662d91]"See here bug, this is how this is gonna work,"[/color] She started, giving the spinarak a smirk. [color=662d91]"You, listen to me." [/color]She pulled some more of the webbing off of her face. [color=662d91]"And next time you do this, you get squished under my shoe. Got that?"[/color] Well, no, she wasn't going to do that. Chances were she was just going to release the stupid thing if it was going to be stubborn, but the bug didn't need to know that. The spinarak simply continued to glare up at Abigial, but seemed to nod its head solemnly. [color=662d91]"Alright alright, enough Tyrian."[/color] Tyrian jumped off of Spinarak, wearing what could only be described as a goofy grin. Abigail reached down to pet the spider again, and almost made it. Seemed like the spinarak wasn't going to listen to her so easily. Instead of letting her pet it, right as her hand made it close enough, it promptly bit her. It didn't entirely hurt so much. In fact, it didn't hurt at all. It was more annoying than anything, but she should probably be thankful the spinarak didn't try to poison her. [color=662d91]"Goddamn it you stupid bug!" [/color]She shouted, attempted to pull the spider from her finger. [color=662d91]"Let go you walking bird food!"[/color] "Um, guys? I… I think we have a situation." Melody's voice caught her attention, causing her to turn to the pink haired girl. [color=662d91]"Not right now Mel-melody..."[/color] Abigail, audibly gulped. That...was a huge Onix...and it looked pissed. What the hell was an Onix doing here?! Jackson attempted to use water gun with his Totodile. Normally, that would have probably been quite effective. Unfortunately, it seemed this Onix had seen enough battles to make a water gun seem nothing more than a little squirt gun. And proceeded to only piss it off more. It slammed its tail into the ground, generating a small earthquake as Fang was sent flying. Where had Jackson found a growlithe?...okay, not the time for that. [color=662d91]"Okay bug."[/color] She said to the spinarak, who had now crawled onto her head. It seemed it was slightly scared of the Onix too. [color=662d91]"You don't like me, and I don't like you. So lets make a deal. We work together to not be Onix kibble, and I'll let you go, alright?"[/color] The Spinarak nodded its head in agreement. [color=662d91]"Alright cool. Now uh, can you try to slow that thing down before Melody gets eaten?"[/color] Leaping into action, the Spinarak used string shot on the Onix while it was momentarily distracted by Fang. The sticky web found its mark, but it didn't seem to slow the huge pokemon down much. In fact, it seemed to only piss it off more...again. Thankfully, though, it was distracted by the Spinarak long enough for Melody to get away. The rock-snake pokemon thrashed, instead focusing its rage on Spinarak. With a roar, it slung its body around, pulling the smaller pokemon using its web and slamming it right into a tree. The spinarak seemed dazed, but not KO'ed, not yet anyways. Well, Abigail could at least say she found that mildly satisfying...Spinarak though, didn't seem entirely thrilled, but at least Melody was probably out of any immediate danger. [/center]