"[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Calm down, [/i][/color]" he said with a big smile. It was rather cute the way she got offended by his remarks. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]I'm sure you know more about French and certain eras of History than I do. I'd even wager you are good at Mathematics and Physics, but there is a deep difference between an ID card and an accredited degree. Visitor it is.[/i][/color]" On account of his lateness it was a short day. Thinking through it Jacob couldn't think of anything that stood out to him, besides Charles. The staff and students were all acting normal, no one felt different or had a strange air about them. There wasn't much to go on, being the first day and all. Some students were out as well as some of the staff, considering this there was no way to be sure as to the status of the campus. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Nothing stood out... but.[/i][/color]" This was life or death, but yet he was hesitating telling the only person he should trust about a potential enemy. If he lied maybe he would find out later that Charles was not a threat. But if he lied how could he expect Assassin to trust him. Caving in he typed the name into the computer, pulling up what information about Charles Dorvain he could. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]I suppose I should tell you about this.[/i][/color]" Opening his picture he leaned back in his chair, giving his Servant a moment to read his file over. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]This is my student, or he was, depends who you ask. He is the only Magus in the area that I know of. Recently we have become distant, but he never did like me much.[/i][/color]" Jacob thought he knew all of the kid's abilities, but if things were as bad as he feared, he might have been played this whole time. There was no denying that Charles had potential, and the brains to back it up, but his mentor had more experience, and in the world of Magecraft, that was the most valuable resource. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]I'm not afraid of him. If I was worried about the other Magi I would be a sorry excuse for a man. But I can't kill him until I know one way or another. A matter of reputation and honor, two thing that take years to build but moments to break. I've invited myself to his estate this weekend to "fix" our broken relationship. Lucille Chevalier is more than welcome to accompany me.[/i][/color]" There were at least six other Masters, if this war was like the others. Six lives were nothing, Jacob had killed more than that in his time abroad. Charles was different though, he wasn't like the other Magi. Maybe he would even be an ally. Too many variables he told himself, to many problems. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Was there anything you found interesting? Besides the shopping.[/i][/color]" [right][sup][@Constantine][/sup][/right]