[b]Archer[/b] [@Constantine] "You make it sound like they saw me at all," Archer countered as he let the guns vanish, preferring to conserve the prana when there was no need for weapons at this point. Generating ammunition was more work that actually keeping the guns manifested, but in this fight every bit would help. They didn't have the kind of high powered Phantasms that the other Knight classes or Servants would be throwing around, as had already been noted, so they could not afford to be wasteful. Her next suggestion was more than agreeable to him, with the situation at hand. It was early in the War, and they needed information before they could go forward. Certainly, Archer in his old life would not have gone into a business deal without some idea of the person he was trying to sell to. And in business, he would also do in war. He'd talked with enough military men to know the value of intelligence in a battle, and this he would mirror here. "As you request, Master," he replied with a nod. That was followed with a chuckle as Louise raced off on her broom back towards the city. He took off with the sound of disturbed air, quickly catching up and keeping pace as they made their way along through the air. It was a good thing Servants could be so fast, and he wasn't even close to being the fastest amongst them. He'd have to avoid any sort of foot races, but this he could manage for now, as he scanned the horizon, his sharp eyesight searching for anything resembling activity related to the Grail War. It was moving along that something caught his eye, and he pulled to a stop. "Master," he called as he alighted atop one of the many skyscrapers that made up the skyline, his vision acutely picking up an ongoing fight between at least two Servants, one with a sword and the other fighting with only his bare hands, besides roots. "If you close your eyes, you can see with my vision," he explained further as he kept his gaze fixed, offering her his sight so she could see the clash herself. "It appears to be Berserker and Saber. Though he could be Lancer I suppose." It was hard to tell with a blade like that, at least from his particular vantage point