She mumbled after him as he walked away. "Next time you hold a mission briefing, try actually briefing us on the mission. My old CO would have had this guy court martialed..." Skimming through the brief, she quickly took in the information before opening a comm line to the rest of the crew. "Alright, listen up. Our first stop is Moonbase Ganymede. We shouldn't need to set down outside the base, but if we do be careful with explosives or heavy guns. Outside the artificial gravity zone of the base, gravity is gonna be pretty weak, so if for some reason we need to fight outside be careful not to launch yourself with your weapons. We're not expecting any trouble, so mostly we're gonna be on-hand there to oversee the final loading procedures and help out if we need to." She started to walk and talk as she continued through the document. "After that, we'll be escorting the package to Firebase Oberon, on the moon of the same name. It's a pretty dark planet and the base is built into the side of a canyon, so if we can touchdown safely then we should be in the clear. Again, we're not expecting conflict here, but I want everybody to stay sharp anyway. Gravity is really low outside the field there as well, but that doesn't mean falling off the base is safe. The field extends enough around the base that if you fall, you're gonna get enough speed to still go splat when you hit the ground." Arriving back at the cargo bay, she ended the communication with a public answer to a question. "We don't seem to have a designated armory at the moment, but there's some standard issue automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, and semi-automatic pistols that have been mothballed down here. They aren't cutting edge, but they're reliable models. If you want anything newer, you're either gonna have to put in a requisition form and wait until they get around to it, or else order it through a private dealer when you have the chance. I don't need to remind most of you, but you've got military certification so that means that at any major arms dealers, you're going to be able to access stock that civilians can't. We've got a basic ammunition fabricator in here for infantry weapons, but if you want specialized ammunition or ammunition for a non-standard weapon, you're going to need to either order in some crates of it yourself or else spring for the manufacturing license so we can make it here ourselves. If you've never done that before, buying the manufacturing license does NOT come cheap, but once you have it and you've registered it at an ammo fabricator like the one we have here, you'll be able to make all the ammo you'll ever need—" she barked out a mirthless laugh. "Turns out the licenses expire if you're declared legally dead for any length of time though, or else I'd already be making a supply of armor-piercing rounds." She stopped for a moment, some mechanical clacking coming over the comm link as she stepped backwards into the docking cradle for her suit, a few seals clicking into place while spindly struts went about affixing her weaponry to her suit. "Our ETA to Ganymede is two to three hours, depending on if our 'captain' gets lost or not. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the cargo bay. Jack out."