The girl didn't notice anything as she blocked everything out as best she could. It was only once Levi was sitting in front of her that she finally opened her eyes and looked at him. She once again remained silent and simply stared at him before realizing they were in a different room that was once again, filled with things she didn't recognize. As she looked around, Levi would be able to spot something he had missed up until now, which was a small tattoo of the number 266 on the right side of the girl's neck. Not only that, but Levi would find that they were not alone. "[color=gray]You know, you're not going to get a single word out of her.[/color]" The voice from earlier said, as the fairy came down from the ceiling and hovered between the girl and Levi, watching him with her arms folded as her wings seemed to be catching some sort of wind that shouldn't exist in the room."[color=gray]She can't talk you know. She can make some sounds, but talking always seems to cause her nothing but pain.[/color]" Taking a brief second to avoid the girl's hands as the girl curiously tried to catch the fairy, the fey looked rather miffed at this "[color=gray]I am not something you try to grab![/color]" She shouted, causing the girl to flinch and shy away. Sighing, the fairy turned back to Levi."[color=gray]Sorry about that. I am Sylph, the Spirit of the Four Winds. I'm a wind elemental. I suppose you could also say I'm a spokesperson for this girl, though I don't know much about her myself. None of my comrades do either.[/color]"