[color=004b80][i]You thought the water tribes housed people of peace? Nobody would have said that back then.[/i][/color] Long before Aang, long before the Fire Nation captured the earth, long before the longest summer the four nations had ever experienced, there was winter. Iluq, A shaman and healer of the southern water tribe, had been born with extraordinary abilities. She had been haled from around the world for her spiritual and bending prowess, and was an assistant of Avatar Li, an earthbender who literally shaped the world. She was a young teen during his time as the avatar, and was only able to assist him for a few short years before his demise. Once Li passed, Iluq believed herself to be more than just another human being. She proclaimed herself a greater being, and her abilities weer unchallenged as she became the chief of the southern tribe, making herself the exception of the sexist traditions. She isolated herself, allowing herself to descend into madness. Using her powers and spiritual abilities granted to her by a spirit, she began to expand the ice, using the other water benders of her tribe to assist her and help her watch over the world. She knew well that she couldn't encase the world in her ice from just the south, and quickly overthrew the chief of the norther tribe to freeze the world from two fronts. When Iluq began her expansion of the ice from both poles, she found that even her massively augmented power could not both maintain the presence of the ice and fight off the would-be defenders of the other kingdoms, never mind those who would oppose her from the water tribes. So, much as she herself had been given power by an ice spirit, she granted certain warriors under her control limited power over similar abilities, by way of 'blessing' them with spirits of their own, who in turn answer to Iluq and her own spirit. In this way, they would be strategically stationed in various locations around the world, maintaining the existence of the deathly cold ice. This would afford her limited omnipresence wherever her ice were to exist; she could sense whether it was still covering an area or not. If those warriors were ever to be defeated and their powers drained, the ice of that area would rapidly recede, returning the land to it's previous form. She attacked the Fire Nation first with the knowledge that the new avatar would be from that nation. The fight there has been going on for years, and the Fire Nation show no signs of giving up their home. She had since moved on to attacking the Earth Kingdom and the Air Nomads, keeping her presence known to the world. The New Avatar has been in hiding for a number of years, moved from place to place within the Fire Nation to stay a secret. Now, at the age of sixteen, Masaru is only adept at his native Element, and has a long way to go before he can melt the ice. ------ The standard rules to roleplaying apply. ------ CS: Appearace: Name: Age: Gender: Element: Abilities: Personality: Brief Bio: Extras: