[@PaulHaynek] Tomoe went and wrote up her order on a peice of paper before handing it to the waitress. [color=9e005d]"You're a foreigner, while japan has accomodated your kind, we still know how to treat our own."[/color] she said with a smirk, the waitress looking at it and nodding. The waitress nodded, understanding Tomoe's order. [color=9e005d]"Right, So, keep it quiet because it's not something most of the mortal world is familiar with. Seven sets of participants are involved in the grail war. All of these participants are vying for the prize of the holy grail, to claim it as victor is to get a wish for the master and the servant."[/color] she explained to him. [color=9e005d]"The servants are all from history, summoned to fight one another. And the war takes place every sixty years if i remember correctly."[/color] the woman said, explaining to him.