As the pixie explained that the first order of business was to get out of the room and away from the Boggart’s Hole, Claire nodded. Personally, she preferred skulking in her own room as the pixie put it, but she understood that now wasn’t the time to hide in there or anywhere near where Adin said she would be. She was a little surprised when she felt him walking on her arm up to her elbow, but she nodded when he asked about ink, even if the reason for saying the rhyme was hard to grasp. “I have a little box for writing out recipes and stuff. It’s over there,” she replied, using the arm that the pixie wasn’t on to point out the little cherry box on the bed. She was a little curious as to what he meant by the matriarch’s naughty list, but didn’t bother vocalizing her question. Actually, one of the few parts of his speech that she really understood was the thing about the elf claws. Or, she thought she did at least. He was certainly a strange little guy. Regardless, she obeyed his instruction to pack, grabbing the little pack that held the padded box where her alchemical mixtures were stored and putting it on her shoulder. Considering Adin had told her the meet was going to be over by the end of the day, she hadn’t packed extra clothes or anything else. Unfortunately, that meant that most of her stuff was going to be abandoned back at the Junkyard, but there was nothing to be done about it. “I’m ready to go when you are, sir,” Claire said once she had everything in order. It looked like the pixie was still writing, thought what it was exactly she couldn’t tell. Used to waiting from the numerous times where Adin would forget that he had called her before him for something and go off on some random tangent, Claire stood a few feet from the door patiently, musing over where exactly the pixie could be taking her. Maybe to a safe house of some kind where he and the friends he had mentioned earlier stayed? It certainly didn’t seem that the pixie was an upstanding citizen, though Claire technically wasn’t either, so she didn’t expect it to be a regular old house. It wasn’t like it really mattered though. The thoughts just kept her mind off the craziness of her current situation and the sting of the betrayal.