Name: Hunter Monroe Age: 24 Power: Fire manipulation Appearance: (will add photo if I can get to Work again)Hunter stands about 6 foot tall, His black hair is a rigid mess. He is Caucasian, has a light tan on him, and his eyes are red. He wears a T-shirt most the time and jeans. Bio: Hunter was orphaned at the age of 16 from a fatal car accident killing both his parents and his brother. During his rage at the police station soon after is when he found out about his abilities. He was moved to an orphanage that could take care of "people like him". He soon grew to love the place, it being the only place he felt safe int he world. After being their for years he did eventually leave at the age of 19. He went to collage for two years and then joined the military for a few months after that. He was forced to leave his unit after suspicion came about his abilities. Hunter returned to the orphanage to try and give back to the place that gave him so much. He's been there since working maintenance and occasionally trying to cook (Enjoy canned beans and Boxed mac and cheese). He helps out where ever is possible and in his free time plays loud music video games, so in a way, never grew up.