[center][h3][color=39b54a]- Peggy Atkinson -[/color][/h3][/center] It seemed that Arceus, or whatever being governed fate, had decided to use Peggy as its chew toy, because just as Peggy was standing there, feeling sorry for herself and thinking that this day could not get any worse... ... well, let's just say that things got worse. [color=f49ac2]"Um, guys? I… I think we have a situation,"[/color] Melody called. Numbly, Peggy raised her head just a huge Onix emerged from a nearby cave, causing several Zubat to flee in its wake. And currently, said Onix was bearing down on Melody, looking as if it was ready to eat her. Resisting the instinct to run and leave all her teammates behind, Peggy called for her Pokemon. [color=39b54a]"J-jasper!"[/color] she shouted. Peggy searched frantically for the Houndour, and when she finally laid eyes upon her, she was surprised to see Jasper only a couple of feet away... just standing there, staring at the Onix with wide-eyes. [color=39b54a]"Jasper!"[/color] Peggy went over to the Houndour's side. She had expected the little dog to go charging at Onix, lunging and biting, but it appeared that the dog Pokemon was instead frozen in fear, even going so far as to let out a little whimper. [color=39b54a]'Really?'[/color] Peggy thought. [color=39b54a]'Of all the times you had to lose your nerve, you decided to do that now?'[/color] She might have been angry with the dog, shouted at it, had her fear not been more powerful. Thankfully, both Jackson and Abigail went to Melody's rescue, though while the Onix was distracted from its first target, it seemed to have only been irritated rather than weakened. Melody's Mareep then tried to fight the Onix, charging it in the way she had expected Jasper to. Of course, being an Electric-type, it did absolutely nothing and Melody had to come to its rescue. Peggy then watched as Melody directed both Tesla and a Zubat, that she must have caught when Peggy wasn't paying attention, at the Onix, even so much as having Tesla use a Thunder Wave on the Onix's eyes. Peggy couldn't help but flinch at that. Eventually, however, Melody must have realised she was fighting a losing battle because she called out to the rest of the group, [color=f49ac2]“We’ve gotta run! There’s no way we’re beating this thing. Let’s go!”[/color] Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. [color=39b54a]"Come on, Jasper!"[/color] Peggy said to her Pokemon. [color=39b54a]"Let's get out of here!"[/color] Just as she was about to move away, though, she noticed that Jasper was not following. [color=39b54a]"Jasper!"[/color] When the dog wouldn't respond, Peggy got out her Pokeball and recalled Jasper back to her capsule before pocketing it. "L-let's go!" Peggy called to the others, getting ready to run at any moment.