Apologies. I assumed a more thorough character sheet would suffice, but here is the modified sheet with the original template as requested. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Sgt Nicholas “Ghost Actual” Grayeson [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 28 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/jacks125/media/Future_Warrior_Colored_by_sebadorn.jpg.html][IMG]http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj194/jacks125/Future_Warrior_Colored_by_sebadorn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [u][b]Weapon(s) [/b][/u]: 1.) Mk 417 “Hammer” Assault Rifle; fires 7.62mm rounds from a 20+1 magazine. Equipped with 4x magnification optic sight // Fore-Grip Accessory // AN-PEQ25 Laser Sight. 2.) Mk 45 “Hornet” Expeditionary Sidearm; fires .45ACP rounds from a 12+1 magazine. Equipped with tritium optic sight // Surefire flashlight // Rubberized grip. 3.) IFBW “Individual Fighting Bladed Weapon” Bayonet Knife; serrated 1069 Carbonized Steel. 4.) Mk 47 Fragmentation Grenade; Composite “B” explosive with 15meter kill radius. [u][b]Position on Infinity[/b][/u]: Critical Skills Operator (0372) [u][b]Reasons for joining Infinity[/b][/u]: Assigned as Special Operations detatchment NCOIC. [u][b]Biography[/b][/u]: Subject was born in the outskirts of New Orleans, LA to a poverty-stricken family. No siblings are noted. Graduated middle of class with average 3.5/3.5 grading scores and enlisted in the Marines immediately after graduation. Subject was noted for overall leadership skills and ability to address seemingly difficult tasks without hesitation. Graduated with training platoon as series honor graduate and advanced to basic infantry training. Qualified as an expert marksman and brilliant strategist when conducting mock-military exercises. Subject completed training and was assigned to 2ND Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment to carry out military duties. Deployed multiple times to “hot” zones and was essential in fighting off an invasion force in three separate occasions in creation zones. Subject recommend for advanced training with Special Operations forces; subject inducted into Raider training. Graduated with the Warrior Award and assigned to the 2nd Raider Battalion. Upon aggressive contact with the “Extraterrestrials”, subject and team-assigned were given orders to the Infinity.