Donne! [hider=Finished]Code Name: Cupid Real Name: Damien Anderson Age: 25 Gender: Male Nationality: British American Powers: Damien has the abilities of the Siren, being given the abilities of a amazing voice and attracting allure, he can make anyone fall for him. When simply talking his voice has a slight hypnotic and narcotic effect on those who hears him. When he begins singing the two effects are amplified massively and will distract those who hear him, on those he has a greater hold on may even ignore their surroundings and simply follow his voice. In a lesser form, he can also hum to affect a smaller area to avoid bringing too much attention to himself, however the effects are weaker when humming them. Besides his hypnotic voice, it could be turn into a loud supersonic boom that can deafen people around him, however he loses his voice for the rest of the day and can't use its hypnotic voice and song. Besides his voice, he is an avid user of Illusion magic allowing him to change his appearance to suit the mission making his true face unknown to most. Origins/History: Summarizing a average childhood, Damien was born into the middle-class where his family were able to afford to live comfortably as live their life. Being to afford something expensive perhaps once in a while, Damien didn't mind his modest upbringing. However, during his time through school he was a avid dater, who dated surprisingly also date both girls and boys openly which frighten some parents. However, he didn't care about the odd looks as he switched from both genders as he soon dated a couple handful of his classmates. With this kind of childhood, Damien was a natural with socialization and getting together with people easily while separating from relationship at the same time without pain or regret. He was a smooth criminal in relationships but was tidy with them as he left those he separated feeling special after. He went through highshool relatively the same way, as he didn't mind his open sexuality taking people that he like and slowly attracted them to him. However, this got him into some trouble with the problem of overly attached boyfriends and girlfriends who didn't want to let go despite his gentleness during their break-ups. That was when he discovered his powers, as he stopped his boyfriend from shooting him by talking him down and severed their relationship permanently using his voice. Despite his popularity and charisma, cheating on people was something he never did as he never wanted to hurt those that he dated, instead wanting them to feel special and happy about themselves. He was basically the school's best therapist and improved people's outlook on life and themselves when he dated people. His bubbly personality and charms only improved the effectiveness that he had on people and was likable. Taking Damien by surprise, High School disappeared behind him as he left everyone he knew behind despite being popular and went to college where he finally focused on studying. He planned on becoming some sort of scientist but soon changed his idea into teaching science instead. Of course he got his science and teaching degree while was hard work but managed with hard work and maybe a little persuading with his good looks. He managed to cut through the years easily and soon finished college, however was rusty when picking up people now. He did during his college year pick up people but they often broke up with him due to him studying so much. However, since getting his two degrees he managed to start a new page of his life that would surely be interesting for him and those that he is going to meet. Despite his degree, he was recruited by agents when he accidentally slept with one... Ironic isn't it as the agent was sent to recruit him in the first place but got the two mixed up. Despite that he accepted the offered and got in without much trouble as his charm and good looks made many this easy for him. Personality: Damien is a outgoing and social individual who doesn't mind throwing out some small talk to a stranger on the street. He isn't afraid of admitting of anything with the slight exception of his superpower, which he prefers to be a secret. He likes talking to others and is a charming individual who spends his nights at bars when he not working at one and bringing someone home for a single passionate night before both leaving in separate ways both happy. Always having a really playful attitude which can be confused as flirting or hitting on someone, when its just how Damien talks to people often. He is always seen as a happy and energetic individual who never seems angry or sad and is always with a smile, when in reality keeps it under a mask which is necessary for a teaching job. Occasionally he can be found scowling, glaring or rolling his eyes before brighten to talk to someone like nothing is different. [/hider]