[b][u][color=f49ac2][center][h3]Kitty Lee[/h3][/center][/color][/u][/b] [color=662d91]“Uh… thanks for the room, Kitty,"[/color] said Aspen, looking a little uncertain. She rubbed at her forehead: was she not feeling well? Teleportation had that effect on some people, Kitty knew. Back when she was first starting to use her powers, she’d thrown up every time it happened. Nowadays, thankfully, she was pretty much used to the sensation of materializing elsewhere. And she hadn’t thrown up after a botched teleportation for ages! [color=f49ac2]“No problem!” [/color]she said, and promptly threw herself down on one of the beds. Hmmmm… what were they supposed to do now? Just wait here? She wasn’t too sure, so she’d just wait until Alexis and Aspen did something. Aspen was walking towards the door, but… yeah, Kitty wasn’t getting up until she actually left the room. And then she might get up. Maybe. [color=6ecff6]"Okay, yeah, I'll admit. That was cool. Teleporting... that could be used for some pretty cool pranks,"[/color] said Alexis, smirking... [color=6ecff6]"Also, for sneaking into the cafeteria for a late night snack."[/color] She chuckled. Late night snacks? Pranks? Yeah, Kitty was [i]totally[/i] down for that. She grinned, and said, [color=f49ac2]“I can teleport you to the cafeteria if you wake up in the middle of the night, if you want. Man, we’re gonna have so much fun!”[/color] She hummed, and tugged her phone out of her pocket, relishing in the glorious, glorious signal. Now was a good time to text her dad, right? [color=f49ac2]TO: Dad <3 From: Kitty Lee!!! \(@o@)/ MESSAGE: don’t worry about me! i’m at herculean academy right now. it’s okay… i miss mom’s cooking already!! i’m sure the food here sucks. :( but i’ve made lots of friends already! Lots of people signed my cast~! my best friends here are named Alexis and Graham, they’re super great!!! and the teachers are pretty cool too.[/color] She smiled, and hit send. Kitty had always had a bit of a penchant for sending long, rambling text messages, after all. Less than a minute later, her father texted back with a reply. [color=a2d39c]TO: Kitty Lee!!! \(@o@)/ From: Dad <3 MESSAGE: Herculean Academy? The superhero school? Be careful, Kitty. That place is dangerous. Don’t be too quick to trust anybody. Tell me a little about your friends? Oh, and what about your teachers? Do you like them?[/color] He wanted to know about her friends? Kitty beamed. [color=f49ac2]TO: Dad <3 From: Kitty Lee!!! \(@o@)/ MESSAGE: well, there’s Alexis! she’s my roommate, and she’s super cool, and she has sound-related powers! oh, and Graham, he heals stuff! and Aspen’s a telekinetic, and Cheol’s got this mask thing that gives him powers! And my teachers… there’s the VP? her name is, uh… Nina Smith! And a school nurse, he’s called Dorian, and this lady who can turn into a monster, her name is Meredith! Cool, huh? But I really miss you.[/color] Kitty sighed. She really did miss her dad. [color=a2d39c]TO: Kitty Lee!!! \(@o@)/ From: Dad <3 MESSAGE: Are we talking about Alexis… Sinclair? Well, try to find out as much about your teachers and your classmates and their powers as you can, okay? And I miss you too, sweetie. Stay safe.[/color] Kitty smiled, and tucked her phone away again. [color=f49ac2]"So!" [/color]she said, stretching.[color=f49ac2] "Now what?"[/color]