An opportunity arose, embedded deep within the structural integrity of a woman's mind. All she had to do was take one look at Alexis, the little troublemaker from earlier, and instantly she could tell two things. First, that girl hella don't care what you got down there! And two, she had a major crush on Anastasia. We're not just talking about some little crush that straight best friends have on each other bef- [i]Olivia, get back on track![/i] Nope, we're talking like serious lesbian crush here. Olivia couldn't tell if she was furious or delighted. Was Alexis trying to undermine her? Did she think that Olivia couldn't turn Anastasia lesbian? Pfft! That girl had another thing coming if she was going to undermine Olivia Octavia Delacroix! Olivia was gonna be the best damn fake lesbian and there wasn't anyone else who could get in her way, especially not some hipster! Damn hipsters trying to steal Olivia's fake lesbian crush... Cut forward a bit and the Vice Principal was announcing all the roommates. Thankfully, Olivia was being roomed with Anastasia which meant that she would have constant access to the girl so she could follow out her evil master plan! When the girl came towards her again, Olivia put on her brave face which was actually a little unnecessary because Anastasia was about as terrifying as a Chihuahua in a handbag, mainly because she seemed much too nice to do any harm to anyone. [color=orange]"Hey Olivia,"[/color] she said with a smile, [color=orange]"it seems that we are going to be roomies, I hope you dont mind."[/color] [i]Bitch.[/i] [color=Gold][i]A bitch? Sounds like you're just trying to cover up your feelings. We all know you're not exactly the straightest roundabout, Olivia. Do you not remember that Spanish girl? What was her name?[/i][/color] [i]Shut your pie hole, Voice![/i] I believe now would be the best time to explain that Olivia is not in fact insane and actually psychopathic as there quite literally is a voice in her head. It all started when she tried to activate the Gemini constellation and after being out cold for something like a week or two, she woke up to find the [i]most[/i] God damn sarcastic voice in her head. After deliberating long and hard, she realised that it was in fact some sort of sentient being (it told her that) and through her genius, she realised it was actually just her but another reflection of her (it also told her that as well). [color=Lime]"Huh? I don't mind at all! That actually sounds pretty cool if you ask me! Y'know, making sure that a vampire doesn't go full crey-crey and munch on some unsuspecting students is what I was born to do, technically!"[/color] Now was the time to strike. Lesbian flirting mode engaged. [color=Lime]"I don't know, I wouldn't say that controlling yourself is completely necessary! We want to keep things fun, after all..."[/color] Add in a suggestive wink and a slow parting of her shirt and bam! Got ourselves a lesbian flirting scene. [color=Gold][i]Smooth.[/i][/color] [i]This is your last change, Voice![/i] With that, she suddenly caught attention of the masses of students making their way into the building, trying to get the best dorms. They were already near the back but there was a reason why Olivia had one of the best dorms the year before. Anastasia turned to Olivia. [color=orange]"It seems we have to hurry if we want to find a good room."[/color] By that point, Olivia had turned and was digging through her satchel before she produced precisely what she was looking for. [color=Lime]"This ain't no pretty thing, Ana. You gonna be dragged balls-deep through Hell and you're gonna God damn like it! This is a dog eat dog world here and we gotta fight for dominance!"[/color] As she was speaking, she leaned up on her tippy toes and wrapped a red scarf around Anastasia's head, Rambo-style. After that, she got two quick dabs of war-paint on her cheek before Olivia stared into her eyes. [color=Lime]"You never look back, ok? You look back and you're dead. Stay close and listen to what I say."[/color] Once she had donned her own war-paint and red scarf, Olivia led them away from the bustling main entrance towards the abandoned side of the building. Without speaking a word, Olivia broke into a sprint towards a tree and kicked off it, grabbing hold of the closest branch before swinging herself up. After a few seconds of climbing, she edged out along the branch, her footfalls light and cautious. With a final leap, she landed just short of the second floor window sill. Gripping the edge, she pulled herself up and peaked into the largest room on the second floor. No one was there so she simply pulled the window open with considerable ease and slipped in. A few short seconds later, a rope fell down to where Anastasia was and the grinning face of Olivia popped out after it. [color=Lime]"Come on then! Get up here!"[/color]