[center][h3]- Vice Principal Nina Smith -[/h3][/center] Nina smiled at Deia's response, though her shoulders tensed as she clearly heard how difficult it was for the girl to speak and felt somewhat guilty for forcing the girl to do something she was so unfamiliar with. "Good girl," she said with a nod, having to resist the urge to give the girl an encouraging hug. 'Don't worry,' she thought to herself. 'Things will get easier. You'll get used to your new life.' It was then Nina heard someone speak up, [color=39b54a]"I'm sorry I didn't hear who's my roommate. My name is Tarquin Hayes."[/color] Nina turned slightly as she was approached by a small brunette boy, and the Vice Principal pursed her lips into a frown. Had she left someone off the list? That was very unprofessional of her. She got up to her full height, keeping her eyes on the boy, and she got the sense he was slightly frightened of her. She ran through the list of names in her head before giving a small nod. Tarquin Hayes. Yes, she thought she could recall that name. He was a boy with quite an unusual power in that he could summon the inventions of historical figures. Nina was surprised she had so easily forgotten him, but this could be easily remedied. "I apologise," she said to Tarquin. "It seems I must have missed your name. Give me a second." She quickly hurried through a list of names in her mind before selecting one. "You can room with Graham Turner and Scorpios McRae." She paused before glancing around, searching out the two boys. "They should be somewhere around here." She then raised her voice. "Graham Turner? Scorpios McRae?" she called.