[Color=#b49ad0][h2]Lienna Orhhneaht[/h2][/color] So little time she’d been here, and Lienna had already seen enough to twist a likely permanent knot in her gut, dread creeping over her like an ugly frost upon a window. The idea that just this morning she’d been eating dried meat and drinking tea with her mother sounded so far-fetched as she stood rooted to her spot, watching with wide eyes as two fearsome Drakken duelled with frightening fervour. Both were masters, she could tell this much from the way they moved so smoothly, their iron-willed confidence apparent to the daftest of onlookers. It was clear to her that pitted against a different opponent, both would win without question. But watching them dance around each other, she could see a familiarity between them, a deeply rooted and mutual respect. She could barely tear her eyes away from their deadly performance, a detached calm washing over her as it provided a much-needed distraction. After a surprisingly quick bout for all that happened, both adversaries came to a draw, shattering their swords against each other. The respect Lienna had seen before surfaced again as they said their final remarks and parted, one returning to his new brides, the other, considerably worn Drakken making his way back toward the line of brides awaiting him. Or, more specifically, toward [i]her[/i]. It had taken her a moment to realize, still stuck in her reverie after the battle. She almost didn’t notice the Drakken’s approach until he was nearly on top of her, standing well over a foot above her. All of Lienna’s dread came crashing back at once when he stopped before her, her vision swimming and balance faltering as he lifted her chin to examine her. She could have sworn that, looking into those ravenous eyes, her heart had briefly ceased beating. [i][color=sandybrown]"Well aren't you a pretty little thing. I've never quite seen eyes like those before."[/color][/i] All of a sudden, her heartbeat returned to her, and she was sure that the enormous Drakken could feel it rocking through her body, see it pumping against her ribs. Each beat felt as if it shook her, darkness playing on the edges of her vision with each impact. A million terrible scenarios flashed through her mind at once, and she struggled to fully latch onto the thought that in that instant, in that shortest of moments as the Drakken’s hands met her hips, she’d gone from a vibrant young water Gem to this man’s ‘wife’, his reward, his [i]toy[/i]. Even as her new ‘husband’ guided her gently away from the line, Lienna’s mind was occupied only by the battle she’d witnessed mere moments before. What she had initially seen as impressive skill and grace with a blade immediately soured in her mind to crazed brutality and a brute strength that she could never even pretend to think she could overcome. His hands, those which had shattered a blade upon their own moments before, were much larger than hers, spanning a distance across her hips as he led her away. Absently, she placed her free hand over one of his, as if trying to confirm that he was really there. Her other hand turned her ivory figurine over and over again, a prayer to Naia repeating itself in her mind as she went. [i][color=sandybrown]"How about we play a little game. I want you to pick two sisters for yourself. The aim of the game is to find ones I like because if I don't like them... well, I'll have to distract myself with you and I get bored of my toys very easily if I'm forced to play with them for an extended time. I advise you don't put up a rebellious act, little one; it's not in your best interests."[/color][/i] His challenge was naught but a whisper in her ear, yet the weight it carried was astounding. Choose his other brides herself? This man truly was a monster. There was no doubt in her mind that he knew exactly what he was doing, his task no better than a blade pressed to her throat, a double-edged sword with no safe point to hold. She hadn’t a shadow of thought to defy him, for if she hadn’t already thought defying a Drakken was suicide, the recent battle only confirmed the suspicion. Not to mention that fire in his eyes, that look that craved either blood or something… else. She preferred not to think about it just yet. However, standing there, held under control of this man, Lienna willed her strength to return. Water [i]always[/i] found a way. When it crashed into an obstacle, it stopped only a moment before seeking another course. She knew, deep down, that she needed to take the same action. The path of least resistance. This was her life now, she couldn’t change that; all she could do was try to find the best possible outcome. Silently, she nodded, and gently stepped forward, not daring to stray too far. Her eyes shone with tears, but they were old; none more came to replace them, and soon they would dry as well. This was not the time for weeping, this was the time for action, and the most important decision she’d likely ever had to face before. There were only a few brides left to choose from, and she’d seen the way her claimer had looked at them, surveying down the line as if he’d have a go at all of them. Looking just as he had, Lienna saw a few that he would be likely to enjoy, but as she looked, one caught her eye. It was a taller girl than she by at least a few inches, with soft brown hair and blue eyes set into a canvas of sun-kissed, freckled skin. She wasn’t as beautiful as the rest of the girls in the line, that was certain, but Lienna saw a natural beauty in her, an inner strength. She looked like a girl who was focusing almost entirely on holding herself together, and doing a decent job. Suddenly, Lienna’s strategy became clear to herself - she would find the best possible outcome, for all involved. She looked up into the girl’s eyes, but only for a moment, a conflict of emotion storming in her own. Then, turning her face away, she raised her free hand to point the girl out, eyes tightly closed as guilt wracked her, plans be damned. There was no easy way out of this, and she knew that promises and apologies were futile; she would undoubtedly be met with resentment from her new sisters all the same. Her pointing hand trembled, but only for a second, and Lienna willed with all her might for her body to stabilize. Collapsing in guilt and fear would get her nowhere, and she forced it down for now. With a look toward her captor, she made sure he saw her choice before moving along. She passed over two brides, who’s faces washed with relief as she continued, the girls whispering to each other in low, shaken voices. It was only a few steps until Lienna came to a stop before another bride, a tall girl with long golden hair. Although she was beautiful, it was obvious that she was older than the rest, visibly so. Still, Lienna made her decision, and this time she did not look away, rooting her gaze into the eyes of the other as she pointed her out. Silently, she begged the girl to trust her, but she wouldn’t blame her for hating her for it. Looking down once more, Lienna turned on even feet back to her husband, walking back to him with a new steadiness, her demeanour visibly different. [color=#b49ad0]“I’ve chosen, my lord,”[/color] she reported, looking into those hungry eyes once again, not letting herself look away. Both of her hands clasped around her figurine. She forced a smile, playing at the edge of her lips and shifted her weight to one foot, sticking out her hip to add to her attempted facade. [color=#b49ad0]“I pray I have pleased you.”[/color] With that she ducked her head in a slight bow, and stood at his side once again, facing her new sisters, but looking down at her hands with hard eyes. A less-than-lovely girl and an older one. Lienna could only hope that her strategy would work. [@NarcissisticPotato] [@HylianRose] [@Mbarnes]