[color=lightpink][h2]Amaryllis Stone[/h2][/color] She stood among the other brides, a wallflower trying to blend into a background she did not match. She hoped to the goddesses that her dress was plain enough to keep them away but pretty enough to satisfy them. All in all she was fighting a losing battle for She had no idea what happened to un-chosen brides. She swallowed hard as she watched one of the Drakken brutally and savagely kill another Drakken, hitting him well after he had died until no part of him remained the same. She swallowed, her nerves getting the better of her in that moment and for the next few minutes, Ama tried very hard to tune out the world around her. To let the sounds fall away and let her body find peace in a more peaceful plane, a dark cave with only the sounds of a trickling stream to be heard. However, she couldn't ignore the sounds that soon came after, another fight breaking out. [color=lightpink][i]Vivari blessed! Do they always fight so often? Is there not a peaceful hair on their heads, the brutes?![/i][/color] She thought sourly as she was pulled back, the look in her eyes hardening as she watched them both pull away. So far, no eyes had reached her for more than a few seconds, though each second was far too long for her. Her knees still would not stop shaking and she was trying very hard to get back to that place, the dark cave. That was where she'd rather be. She hadn't moved an inch since entering the room, the only movement was the subtle shaking of her knees. The rest of her stood solid as the earth she was so fond of. She was still, rather painfully, repressing her glow from sight. She might have been one of the only Gems in the room not glowing. One of the Drakken might have thought her a mistake could they not feel the powers held within her. Though her mind was going elsewhere at this moment, the movements before her eyes still caught her eye. Slowly, she was pulled back from her cave, slowly she was pulled back to the reality of where she was and what she was. She felt the hairs on her body all stand up on end, her skin prickling up. She felt her heart sink down into the earth and she envied it, for how much she wished she could do the same. Before her stood a white hair Gem, a single finger pointed in her direction. It wouldn't have meant too much to her had the girl been actively looking at her and she probably could have hated her if she had. She watched as the girl then pointed out another Gem, possibly picking out another, her Drakken husband behind her. Ama felt her strength slow drain away and her grasp on her glow faded and it appeared. Her glow flashed in small bursts until it shone full force, a pale pink light that softly flickered around her. Her freckles dimmed under the soft pink glow around her and a green hue crept up into her eyes. On-lookers would see the fear in her eyes, the fear of the man standing behind the white haired female. She swallowed, waiting for what would come. What... would come? Her eyes scanned those she would be with, the white haired female and the blonde. The white haired female looked just as frightened as her, though faking it relatively well. Her movements were... just a bit too forced... She tried very hard not to look at the man, hoping and praying that her thinking was incorrect and maybe the white haired Gem was simply pointing her out to laugh at her or something. Maybe she'd missed something in her attempts to mentally escape this situation. Maybe... [@Obscene Symphony] [@NarcissisticPotato] [@Mbarnes]