Alex watched as the girl was brought into the room. His eyes looked her over as he heard the word "Pet" mentioned. Something about that stirred the thing inside of him. He could feel the anger, only it wasn't his own, but it made him angry. Soon though it was as if it took a deep breath. He felt a ping in his eyes as his vision turned red. His eyes glowing with a red light. Alex closed his eyes taking a deep breath, when he breathed out a low rumbling growl came from his throat. Luckily it felt like something else was as well. His vision returned to normal, it was reliving that this...what ever it is, is trying to keep calm. Something about that disturbed Alex a bit more. He looked around the room. If anyone else was having this trouble they hid it well. Even some of the guards were taking notice of him as he saw them reaching for there tasers.