Lugft smiled, a terrible thing, more akin to a hungry snarl than an expression of joy. Aery, Tirza, and the spitfire. The delicate, tiny flower, his blank canvas, a place to make a masterpiece. The spoils, feisty but obedient, and scared, a fine prize pried from the cold dead hands of a worthy foe. And the raging fire, angry, clever, and intensely stubborn, the wild stalion, that Lugft would break. He of course, addressed the spitfire first, grabbing her by the waist, and dipping her close to the floor in one fluid, surprisingly graceful motion, then bringing her up, and placing his lips right next to her ear, "Do you feel that, little Gem? That is pure, unrestrained strength in my arms, the same arms that just killed that man, and now hold you. You, are mine now, and I will make you last, don't think I'll kill you so easy, you'll be with your new... heh heh heh... Sisters? As you call them? For quite some time. And, as for my name," He spun her back to her place, and looked at all 3 of his new brides, and addressed all of them, "I, am Lugft Huron, heir to Huron family. I welcome you, as my new brides." Then, the duel began, and Lugft enjoyed it. Watching Wilhelm fight the royal brat Darion was certainly entertaining, but he knew the outcome would be nothing monumentous, a draw. Still, Wilhelm was un-defeated, and Lugft spent no time fawning over it, instead he turned to his brides, specifically to Aery, and stood right in front of her. He towered over her by a full 2 feet. She was practically shaking, and Lugft did one of the things he thought he could do to terrify her. He swept her off her feet, looking almost like he would slam her to the floor, then caught the small Gem, and kissed her with a passion like fire. That will startle her, he thought as Lugft finished the kiss, and swung her back to her feet. Then he turned, and began to walk to the door, but only after he had his still blood covered arms around his brides. "Now, I believe it's time we left my pretty Gem's, and on our way to the carriage why don't you decide who will get to sit next to me?" He let out a hearty laugh as he made his way to the door, wishing to finally head back to his manor, and make the special preparations required for his future duel with Wilhelm. And, if no one stopped him on the way out, he and the brides would enter the carriage, and begin the trip to the grand Huron manor, where the three young Gems would spend the rest of their days. [@RomanAria][@My Lalia][@Narcissisticpotato]