Appearance: [img][/img] Code Name: The Director Real Name: Joseph Richards Age: 63 Gender: Male Nationality: American Powers: None Origins/History: Joseph was always interested in the military and politics. His lifelong goal was to one day become like Washington or Eisenhower and rise through the ranks, become a general, than become president. Unfortunately for Joseph, and luckily for the citizens of the U.S., this didn't go as planned and he was given the option of demotion or becoming in charge of a program that most saw as being doomed to fail. Joseph chose the latter and became the director of Meta Operations. Not only did he save MetaOps from becoming a complete failure, but he was able to tun it into one of the most successful black ops divisions of the U.S. military. Personality: Unsurprisingly, the man in charge of MetaOps is a pretty big (pardon my French) douchebag. He doesn't really care for things like civilian casualties as long as the job is done and his superiors aren't trying to discipline him. Superiors that he hates by the way for sticking him with a job that works with so many meta-humans who he thinks are better gotten rid of than used as weapons.