[quote=@Guess Who] [b][u]Pending[/u][/b] -[@Gelatinous Cube] -[@Lugubrious] -[@Prince of Seraphs] -[@Pie Flavor] -[@Ciphra] -[@XLegs] -[@The Irish Tree] If you are on the first list than kudos to you. If you're on the second list that means one of two things: 1. You crated a character that needs to be edited to be fully accepted or 2. You have appeared to have shown an interest in joining. If you feel that you should or should not be on one of the lists than please say so. If you are on neither list than I apologize but you'll have wait until a spot opens up to join, because at this point we have more than enough people. [/quote] I hear you. With no fewer than two of the RPs I'm in dying off, I can afford to join this.