Suki smiled as they -or at least te one introduced himself as Separ- had accepted her into their little team of what might appear to be ragtags or misfits. However, while on the outside, she might no show anything out of the ordinary, Se was warring an internal strife against herself. [i]Why are you associating with strangers?[/i] Maybe a bit of company is nice every once in awhile. [i]You don't know who they are.[/i] They weren't out for my blood. Kelvin's touch was gentle. [i]There has been similar tricks done, you nearly died twice because of it.[/i] ........... She was pulled from her doubts when she noticed more unfamiliar faces join the table. First and foremost, was the armored man. Why was a paladin here, of all places?! Was she found so soon?! Panicking slightly, she glanced over at the other newcomers. A rather small person, and...was that woman glowing? For some odd reason, Suki found the other woman reminded her of the night sky. However, her main problem was still the paladin. Looking around for an excuse to leave, her eyes fell upon the somewhat covered half-elf, sitting in the corner. The opposite corner. "We're still in need of companions, right? I'll go over there and ask." Without waiting for a response, she had already left her table. Along the way, she casually lifted her hood over her head, the overhang casting the rest of her face in darkness. Stopping as she reached the half-elf, she gestured at one o the empty seats. "May I?"